Thomas Ella

Bull. I watched that scene pretty intently and didn't see a single dog in a trenchcoat anywhere.

Yeah, I totally think it's a lie as well. His scars have to be connected to his disappearance from IBM, right? Cameron's gonna be PISSED though.

Wasn't it the opposite, though? He was trying to be authentic. Cameron called him a soulless suit, so he sees the model that's all about being a mystery who is also wearing a suit, so he takes off his suit jacket completely. Removing the layers that distanced him and made him a mystery.

I think the affair stuff is just irksome because it makes us like a really likable character (Donna) less. She's dealing with a lot, she's smart and funny and just seems basically perfect, right? So then you introduce this other subplot where actually, she might have an affair with her old high-school crush who's now

I wouldn't call it "too much effort" on the aesthetic. It's different people doing that. It's the writer side where they're dropping the ball with too-obvious symbolism, too many external eureka moments (this episode had at least three), too many predictable, needless plotlines, too many character inconsistencies,

Just label an article to show it'll have spoilers and everything's cool. If it's not labeled, I might skim through it just to see what the author thought or whether it's worth watching in the first place. Again, just taking the necessary precautions as the author solves the entire issue.

Dude, it's not UP to you what should be considered a spoiler that would ruin a show or not for me. If I want to go into something completely blind, I should be able to. You're talking about a very specific type of spoiler with a very narrow view on how it gets revealed—-by a responsible critic just valiantly trying to