Thomas DiMaggio

I've always loved "Long Live Walter Jameson"; but I do wish that the TZ writers had done better historical research:

I second Our Critic's opinion of "Miniature" wholeheartedly — it's one of the best hours in TV history, never mind TZ — but I couldn't disagree more about "Jess-Belle", which I put on the same level. First of all, Anne Francis — one of those gorgeous, talented women who should have had a much bigger career than she

One of the subtler points of "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" is that the seemingly guileless Tommy ("The kid", in Charlie's vulgar parlance) is actually the guiltiest of all the "Street's" residents. While these people (none of whom are terribly bright) might well have eventually turned on each other anyway,

I've always admired Ida Lupino tremendously — apart from being a fine actress, she had the directorial talent to have had a career like Cukor's or Curtiz's, if not for Hollywood's idiotic views on gender. I agree that her work on "The Masks" was first-rate; it's the theme that repels me. Being a Christian, and having