
Boo, cannot watch from "my country or location".

Yes, but (I think) a majority of console owners are a bit like me: Happy to chill out on a couch and play a video game with nary a drama (and a beer). I've never hooked my console up to the Internet (nor will I, I think), because I find video games to be an experience best enjoyed offline. Maybe I'm wrong, but when

How's that a big deal? Playstation 3 already plays all regions. I moved to Australia with my PS3 nearly three years ago, and my unit happily plays Australian, American, and British games with no problem at all. Don't get me wrong, region-free is a big deal, but frankly, regions have never really been a problem. Hell,

Well then, just play offline games. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Pretty easy to avoid watching somebody playing a game on YouTube: Don't click play. Is this a thing? Do people actually watch somebody else play a game on YouTube? That sounds kind of silly, to be honest. Not trolling, mind you!

I do believe that all this misery was triggered by Catelyn. After all, she blindly believed everything that Littlefinger told her (and trusted him absolutely!), and blundered unbelievably by seizing Tyrion and taking him to her sister's aerie. Huge mistake.

Goddammit, it's basically a frustratingly opaque version of Roshambo.

"Funeral estrangements"?

Oh, that's bad.

+1,000,000 - that was excellent.

Just started playing it - and got through the bit where the guy was strangling Lara in the Hidden Temple region. Holy crap! It took me about ten tries to get the timing right ... ten times where I had to watch Lara get throttled to death. Did not like.

Three odd things (besides the obviously bizarre footage of a 747 suspended for a spell, vertically, in the sky) about this video:

129,600 (360 squared)

Is the girl in the pink skirt giving that bloke a blowjob at 1:08?

Ah, I think you're the only one who got it. Cheers!

Banning it period? Just because one kid's allergic to it?

Don't know about you, but I could hang out in a bar and play poker for hours in Red Dead Redemption.

George R. R. Martin is not your bitch.

No, but it's certainly an aspect of pure empathy - to know and do what's right, whether or not it affects you personally. There's not an empathetic bone in his (or any other Republican's) body that believes in doing the right thing - from the moment they were born - unless it affects them directly. Don't get me wrong

Surprised there's no mention of Rhianna Pratchett's (Terry Pratchett's daughter) being involved in the reboot of Lara Croft, to be honest. That's a pretty nifty titbit of information.