Um...well to be fair you are the only one who sounds like you're lashing out.
Um...well to be fair you are the only one who sounds like you're lashing out.
Yes...but they clearly have a weird overtly hostile reaction to something that no one actually claimed.
That's like 3 different types of hypocritical and stupid.
mmmm, yeah but most.
But you're clearly not biased one way or another right?
Wow your half sister sounds like a complete piece of shit.
Actually it happens all the time. Most swat raids are on no knock warrants because cops are disgusting people.
Please shut up.
Looks like someone is trying desperately to generate some press after she's lost the ability to even be cast in garbage D list movies. There is no question this will be tossed out. I have the feeling that Rockstar probably has a pretttty good legal team to vet stuff like this before release. Almost anything is…
Wow. No thats not what you're arguing. Congrats on being a disingenuous idiot.
Not sure what that is supposed to mean. But your entire argument is that because other people do things that are wrong this person should be able to do things that are wrong.
No one said this was as bad as blackface. Now you're just walking back your argument.
Wow you're an asshole.
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. Another idiotic argument that literally has nothing to do with whats being discussed. Everyone who disagrees with you is not a white supremacist and it's fucking disgraceful that you would even write that.
Two wrongs don't make a right. We're talking about individuals here. Not races. And we're not talking about her getting kicked out of school, but rather remaining president of the school. Racial mockery isn't suddenly ok from someone in a position of power just because "White people do it".
Wow what a fucking obnoxious and patronizing charge.'s white supremacy that makes me think that bullying others and mocking people because of their race is something that should preclude someone from being president of their school. What a stupid thing to say.
Yeah as far as things go this isn't much to complain about.
So your argument here is that your opinion is more legitimate than anyone else s and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong because "POWER". Great fucking argument.
And so THAT'S why it's ok to make fun of people for what race they are. Ok great. Didn't understand. I guess two wrongs do make a right if you inject enough pointless racial shaming. Individuals are responsible for their own actions. Not the actions of anyone else.
wow so you're a fucking idiot huh?