If you call WW1 pointless I’d sugest The Great War channel on youtube, there were many countries fighting for many different reasons and objectives. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A
If you call WW1 pointless I’d sugest The Great War channel on youtube, there were many countries fighting for many different reasons and objectives. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A
To be honest, I think its the engine they are using that got down voted. That’s why I’m not thrilled. They’ve had the same engine since the first Modern Warfare. (November 5, 2007) (Thx google), with little to no advancement of the series aside from copying halo and titan fall.
People are flocking to Battlefield…