Thomas Thorne

All you pluto-hugging whiners need to shut the fuck up. Pluto always was a rather dubious planet.

@Zubieta: The moon isn't a planet, for starters.

The new bio-dystopia has already happened. Just look at how Monsanto has used its ownership of roundup-resistant soybeans. They've virtually made farmers into their indentured servants.

Ugh. I hate trust fund hippies.

I hate that woman's vocal mannerism in a way that is extreme and irrational.

@rattmobbins: Dude, it's a dollar. More evidence that technology is simply the result of our sense of entitlement.

A billboard... Made of over a hundred kilos of perfectly good food. Why? Who is buying services from that company based on the merit of a goddamn cheese billboard? What justifies the waste?

I think I just had a hipster-induced epileptic seizure.

Seriously? A hipster persecution complex? Oh, come on.

This would be one of those 'No fucking shit sherlock' moments.

"DVD player that plays on the LCD screen in the dash."

@brijazz: Reducing... gravity? What? More like the ability to observe a true static frame of reference added to the dampening effect of floating in the water.

@j14: Then they'd probably put an RFID chip in the dog and charge you for that, too.

@tjcarey: ...Why does it matter?

@tselliot: Then they'll develop a radon and tetraethyl lead-powered refrigerator.

@tylerbrainerd: Eh. Earth on the large probably doesn't care that much.

I'd like it better if it didn't have that bullshit hippie pretext. Ooooo mother nature is dying because I threw away a plastic bag! Must destroy the evil horrible humans! Mother nature has been kicking for billions of years. She can show you her scars from meteor impacts, supervolcanoes and countless biocatastrophies.

@Destronok?: Super Mega Worm... Effing Worms... now Deathworm?! I had no idea there were so many worm-based games out there.

@SparklyJesus: I'm sure they'll figure out something... it is google, after all.