Thomas The Wank Engine

Oh god stop with this nonsense. It’s fucking dumb and irrelevant at this point. If Ike were alive today he’d be warning us about the media-academic-welfare complex, which has done FAR more to undermine our democratic processes than the military ever has.

This is a man who, 4 years ago, looked at the presidential race, spotted Newt fucking Gingrich, and thought to himself, “that’s my guy.”


That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the

As a woman, it is hard to argue for equality without agreeing that women should have to register. So bring it on. Give us the same rights and requirements as men.

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

Some adventurous soul built another BD-10 kit airplane, tested it out, and is now in big trouble with the FAA?

I feel like we’re living in an alternate universe where guys half a century ago built machines like this, and Apollo, but don’t/can’t now.

My goal in life is to build one of those with a 20B.

Tyler, take a little criticism now and then.

I know its not a popular opinion, but I still think we need a modern battleship. Not bringing back the Iowa’s, as the manpower needed for those is silly, but a modern big gun ship to do the job the Zumwalt is supposed to do, but can’t.

LOL, coming from the country that killed what, close to a million civilians in the last decade? I know I know - seeing your government-funded terrorists being blown up must be heartbreaking for you. Should’ve used the money to buy a water treatment plant for Flint - the world was hoping the next generation of

I’d put TFA below Revenge, personally. TFA was so goddamned safe that I’d almost put it only above Phantom Menace. Say what you will about the prequels but at least they did something new each time.

TFA was never intended to be a movie, it functions as a cinematic theme park ride through the highlights of Star Wars. It did the bare minimum work required to set up characters and plot threads for future films but looking at it as a traditional story-driven film is inevitably going to lead to disappointment. With

Jedi should be above The Force Awakens as Evan said its total payoff the end to the six Episode Vader Fall/Redemption arc that is the heart of the story. Some of the best space battles of the original trilogy where you actually see Capital Ships fighting. Luke fully embracing and understanding his role in the

Here’s the production version caught in the wild:

You can’t make it without acknowledging what a fucking mess Labour and pieces of shit like Gordon Brown left the UK in when they rightfully got their asses handed to them in 2010. Cameron and company have a made some mistakes but have done alot of good too, especially with SDSR 2015.

I love it. It has lines that remind me of greatness: