Thomas The Wank Engine

I love them all beat up and nasty

“To non-rocket-scientists (and those who don’t play Kerbal Space Program)”

This is my favorite.

He’s great. Here is one of my favorites. Another is the fact that he punched a moon landing truther and the cop let him off Scott free.

To be fair, that role of a lifetime didn’t sit well with Heath Ledger either.

No the best moment is when he says “Please don’t make my supersuit green and animated”

This. A thousand times this. Of the prequels, Ep I, was, in my decidedly-less-than-humble opinion, the best, because it did not descend so terribly into exposition and camp. Everyone hates Jar Jar, natch, and the 3PO origin bit was ridiculous exposition but otherwise the movie felt like a story, and not just filler.

Episode I at least looks like a proper Star Wars movie most of the time. The other two prequels haven’t aged quite as well, with the actors appearing to flail around in a green screen void even in non-action sequences. In another five or ten years they’ll have aged about as well as Sky Captain has today.

You didn’t see any of the spoiler-ific trailers? The studio really dropped the ball on that one

Wait! I was wrong...

Ooo! Help me Dr. Dyson!

I hate every Terminator I see.

Yeah.....I’m in that middle ground. I’m tired of it all being news (and I say this in a good way). I’m ready for society to not care enough whether someone is gay or straight and just treats them like people. But I’m also not going to make my Facebook feed to be all rainbows and unicorns to announce that fact. My

Pretty much what I was thinking. The privileged few get to live in their perfect Star Trek society, and everyone else is left behind to degrade into a Mad Max style of life.

Unfortunately it seems that Elysium, in other words Star Trek for a few and Mad Max for everyone else, is becoming the more likely scenario.

Eloi and Morlocks, chummers, Eloi and Morlocks.

Same reason they did not announce Bletchley Park in the house of commons

Nah. His Royal Obamaness would never set foot in a flyover state like that unless it was to give some kind of condescending speech or raise a bunch of money. His library and golf course will be built somewhere more appropriate to his sense of self regard, like Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard or Narnia.

Holy shit they got to Article IV Section 3 before they mentioned slavery? Dear god, I thought this was all over Slavery cuz my public education told me so! ;)

I won’t say “I’m not racist, but...” because there is no but about it. My support of the Confederate flag as a Southern man is completely compatible in my mind with my feeling of complete brotherhood and support for the Americans of African descent I live and work with. I will explain why.

Many Southerners call the

Or maybe the Confederate Flag symbolizes something to some people that doesn’t include racism or hatred. Just the love of the south.