Even the Swift could have saved them. Instead, we got the Reno.
Even the Swift could have saved them. Instead, we got the Reno.
And the sad thing is, that a production X-head could have been the thing that kept Suzuki alive in the US. That thing would have been a bona fide FJ Cruiser/Wrangler slayer. The frat bro sales alone would have been insane.
Pretty much, yeah.
Oooh, sick burn, someone had better call Shriners’!!
This, a thousand times over and then some. Israel and the Saudis are and always have been massive foreign policy liabilities that have only cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives while giving us absolutely nothing in return.
The Brits aren’t over the war because they witnessed the US-forced dismantling of the British Empire after the war (trading British imperialism for American corporate colonization in the name of “social justice”) while the UK sputtered along on rations for another decade or so. All while their economy unraveled and…
I’ll go one step further and give you a couple leads...
Boeing is lying through the teeth of plausible deniability when they say that they know nothing of this aircraft nor the ripples that it sent through their gray- and black-world projects of the 70’s through the 90’s.
I remember drooling over that photo in my naval coffee-table books as a late-80’s kid, and seeing that photo again makes me feel super-nostalgic.
If I ever were to somehow come into Jeff Bezos money, building a replica of the Akron/Macon would be at the top of my list as far as how I’d choose to waste my money.
Basically, a section under the gasbag between two of the frame rings was cleared out and turned into a hangar facility (almost exactly like how the Hindenburg’s designers placed her passenger areas).
Typical 2015 New York, milennials paying $250 to hear artists the age of their parents play the songs of 30-40 years ago that made the city cool in the first place. Talk about pining for former glory.
I don’t think anyone’s really worthy in the face of Grace
If you weigh more, the plane has to burn more fuel to keep you in the air. It’s basic physics. Passengers still comprise the biggest percentage of an airliner’s payload, and as average weights and waistlines have ballooned in this country, airliners today have to burm more fuel per passenger to stay aloft.
It’s good to see a shoutout to the rumored Boscombe down incident. If it did in fact happen, it offers a fascinating glimpse of the world of deep black operations of those “top tier” assets.
Dem clamshells could stop those things on a dime. I remember riding Lan and Ladeco -200’s in the South of Chile 15 years ago, landing on runways which were barely the size of your average municipal cessna strip.
Yeah, that and all the videos of Giselle cucking with a gross, bearded DiCaprio while Tom relives his crush on Jack Dawson.
Their debut album is one of those through-listens that, for me, always leaves me feeling really down about how the post-Napster destruction of record sales and the subsequent fragmentation of the music industry has utterly destroyed modern rock.