Thomas The Wank Engine

I have read hints that the LRS-B contract is more or less a done deal for the Lockheed/Boeing team, but that the two entrants were different enough (think YF-16 vs YF-17, or the B-47 vs the YB-49) that there is a strong likelihood that the NG design, which supposedly emphasized extreme low observability via some

I love those pieces on your old site.

A magnificent machine that rectified most, if not all of the space shuttle’s major flaws. Too bad its development bankrupted the entire USSR in the process.

I’m curious Tyler about what your take is on the recurring rumor (myth?) that the reason why the USAF and by proxy the NRO walked away from the billions they invested in the Shuttle/SLC-6 combo without so much as a whimper was because there was another, highly classified asset in the pipeline that might have

I’m curious Tyler about what your take is on the recurring rumor (myth?) that the reason why the USAF and by proxy the NRO walked away from the billions they invested in the Shuttle/SLC-6 combo without so much as a whimper was because there was another, highly classified asset in the pipeline that might have

Thanks for the lelz

Likely not, but its big brother probably is.

The Rock is turning into the second coming of 80’s Arnie, with his ability to seamlessly play the “everyman who happens to look like Mr. Olympia” role to a T.

The problem is that the language and tactics used to argue the 3rd wave issues such as trans rights, issues of rape and consent, etc are still the same holdovers from the 2nd wavers, the gay rights movement and the civil rights movement.

It’s when your movement stops being a rational one, based off of pragmatism and self-criticism, and starts becoming a religion, fanaticism based on dogma rather than discourse.

This song popped into my head yesterday, for the first time in almost a decade.

It’s a bit of a shame, actually, because to fit the Cassin Young in they had to cut up the SS Nobska, the last coastal steamer left.

Now THAT’S an 18th century warship!

This had better not fuck with my commute...

I so, so happy that someone decided to spring for the bait on this one.

I love the Tuscan 2, but it went from being “beautiful but weird” to plain old “beautiful”.

Yup, I couldn’t find any good pictures of iridescent ones in my 5-second GIS hunt.

The TVR Tuscan. Between the insectoid headlights, bizarre details and the factory color-shifting paint, it was downright Giger-esque. It resembled what might have sprung out had the Xenomorph chosen to use an E-type for its host.

The closest thing to the TARDIS to ever roll around on 4 wheels...

The most underrated car Aston ever built. So anachronistically overwrought and yet it still came out half baked. But it worked, oh god did it work.