Tom Swift Sr.

Exploding Kittens, not Exploding Cats

I see the yellow “S” is back on Superman’s cape where it belongs. At least Warner Bros got that costume design decision right.

Came here to say exactly this. Take your star!

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

one hundred percent

Wooow, did this episode deliver! What a devastating hour of television. That’s how it’s done, folks.

Mystery Men came out in 1999.

why should Ruby be special? The companions are supposed to be the vehicle of US, the Audience, to travel with the Doctor, not to be a Savior-of-them-all every time. I mean, sure, occasionally, its nice for a companion to be a special key to something, but more often than not, it should be an ordinary Joe or Jane that

It’s fine, but “secretly the best show on television?” That person apparently doesn’t watch a lot of television.

I mean, Super came out in 2010. Watchmen released in 2009. I’m pretty sure the world was ready for satirical takes on the superhero genre in 2008.

as one of the few remaining still alive fossils who read the original Crichton, i really would have to be gently reminded of how the original gets to ‘episode’-4. are the stegosaurs fully unionized by now?

Claiming that Biden is trying to divide the country is not only laughable but also facetious. Biden has said many times that he is President for everyone. Trump routinely refers to his rivals as vermin that need to be rooted out. He’s a fucking psychopath. Don’t try and equate the two.

False equivalence. It’s a fucking shame that these are the two only options for President in a country of 330 million people. However, you cannot equate Biden with Trump. Biden was trying to be respectful in 2020 during the debates. Trump has zero class or decorum. He just doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t possess the

The rare undecided voter?


To be honest, “Space Babies” was so unbelievably bad, it’s amazing the show didn’t haemorrhage viewers in their droves.


She’s not being replaced by the new companion, although she might be more of a recurring companion in the next series. I don’t see the comparisons to Rose either. She’s more self assured than Rose was and has a life outside the Doctor. Aside from her mother and grandmother she has friends. Rose only really had her mum

well, i’m way way WAY over that demographic, and i’m enjoying the hell out of this season.