Tom Swift Sr.

I think Starfield is Subjective, but too many people claim its Boring, or it Sucks stating their opinion as fact. I am having a blast playing the game and exploring. I am currently lvl 62 and I haven’t even done the main quest line. I’ve done the UC, CF, and FC questlines. I have fun exploring and seeing what’s out

Well, can’t say they’re not walking the walk.

Not at all, I think particularly next to Hanz Zimmer and Jack Wall he’s very boring.

I wish Starfield had any charm or humor at all :( 

Where? So far every city is sterile and empty. Lots of fetch quests. Lots of procedurally generated dialogue.

Yeah. I’m a Bethesda fan and I like Todd Howard, and I understand why he feels he can’t say it, but I’d respect a very simple response like “yeah, vehicles would be cool and we would’ve preferred to include them but CE simply won’t let us do that; we’re hopeful that Starfield 2 will have that functionality when it

It’s like No Man’s Sky”

No Man’s Sky has both ground vehicles and even at launch allowed you to fly your ship around intra-atmosphere.

So, no, not actually like No Man’s Sky, then.

Creation Engine wasn’t designed for fast movement of any kind, and also explains why you can’t fly your ship around a planet, either.”

Good to know. I usually am against cheating but in this case, the cheat doesn’t negate or undermine any specific challenge or obstacle. Getting to POIs isn’t difficult, just boring, so this would only make traveling less tedious.

If you’re on PC, and you’re okay with cheating, and then disabling that check via mods, player.setav speedmult 1000 increases your movement speed. 100 is normal

More like the creation engine is 20 years old and has its limits.

It’s not even about exploration. I just want a faster way to get between undiscovered POIs. There’s nothing interesting between them so I just want to get to them as quickly as possible.

I think they’re being 100% truthful. Todd Howard is quoted above, saying “make it an experience where we know how fast they’re seeing things”, which, to me, indicates that a fast-moving vehicle had the potential to break how the game could render the world if stuff was going in and out if memory too quickly. It makes

Let’s see...Tribes managed to have jet packs over 20 years ago. No Man’s Sky has jet packs and vehicles.