Tom Swift Sr.

I watched the Netflix version. I thought it was okay. (Watch the frozen head guy return if there are other seasons, as Humanity builds starships capable of catching up to his “lost” capsule.)

I only knew him from his work on television, but this is very sad news for all who knew him and especially for those who loved him. He will be missed.


If that is an unexploded bomb, they sure as hell do NOT look like they know what they are doing!

And these officers are wearing *surgical masks* for protection while the remove an unexploded BOMB?!


I know this, yet I do recycle anything plastic that has a recycle label on it in the hope that some of it will be in that 5-10%.

He just needs a cat pin on his lapel.

I think President Biden, at his recent 2024 State of the Union speech, proved beyond doubt he could as well.


I was wondering what happened to my avatar of Tom Swift Sr, as it was replaced with purple pixels. I tried to restore it, but found there was no option to do so.

The 1997 version is much, much better — and more faithful to King’s novel — than the 2004 television version was.

“However, it was quickly revealed as an AI deepfake when users noticed the man had three arms.”

I read even more books than I normally do.

I constantly use WordPad. I have it with my other Quick Start buttons.

James Wan include this shot in his 2018 Aquaman:


You done good, NEOWISE.

“The latest recruit to a secret society of magical black people enters a love triangle with the white man he’s supposed to help....”
