
That’s not a bad theory. Snoke as an ancient bad guy would explain where the hell he came from. That said, I expect Lucasfilm is also planning for the next phase of the Star Wars universe (beyond Episode IX), and extragalactic threats could be part of that as well.

Thrawn’s race, the Chiss, were aware of threats from outside the known galaxy.

Any time a game lets you make a first and last name, shit gets fuckin’ *real*.

What are the naming conventions of this race/clan? Is there a difference between feminine and masculine names? Is there a signifier for family lineage? etc etc. I end up sitting at that name box for a long time while doing research.

I take

I spend upwards of an hour on CACs sometimes and find out after seeing them in motion that there’s just one thing that’s off that I absolutely hate

Also robbers would get away with a crime.

I find it funny and quite naive that you would think that just because you comply you wont get shot. Its not about the possessions, its about the fact someone is willing to kill you over them and I wont let that happen. If you believe thats the best course of action, I can respect that. But know that complying doesnt

YES! I cannot express my excitement for this game. I am actually writing a novella/novel with an Android protagonist, who “becomes human”. (though under way different circumstances.)

This is pretty much my reason to get a PS4. Especially if there is a limited edition console. I’d sell my soul for a LE console.

Im also wondering what happen to the baby she took care of at the end of S2, I can’t remember his name but I imagine if clem is in her mid or late teens the baby is probably around 4 or 5.

You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.

My wife went into it with barely any Warcraft experience and a basic love of fantasy films and came out happy.

Thanks for the counter-point and downright catty finish. You’re a fun read!