
( T_T)\(^-^ )

It’s the brand. They been around for ever. It’s like Rolx of wallets. My dads high school friend has one from the . I think pree or post world world 2.


Yeah, I feel the same. Jedi in heart. But they both never finish and left training. Lol but that’s ok.

I'm kind of confuse With the new writing team. As clone wars show how she quit and left to the outer rim or what not. In guessing she bumb into the other Jedis. But she never finish her training. So why would vader be like aw will know where the others are. He has to remember how she wa there with him saying how she

You should take that down. . Their programs that can unscramble your photo shop

Cool job on The stream. Have fun. Time for me to hit the bed

Wow \(^o^)/

The kitchen

Yeah I feel he unfortunately feel victim to the whole being used to tone for one and two. Three wanted to do something different. Which I feel in love with.

I have the disk copy. But if they port it to ps4. I would buy it. I might buy it anyway for PS3. To show support.

Suikoden 3 was awesome. It was one of my all time favorite games in the ps2. I love that they did a different tone rather than be a repeat like 1 and 2

Not the problem as he said he doesnt mind the 40. It's the other things that have Been going on which has build up.

But the article was kind of more focusing pass the 40. Bucks. The fact their so many other things that has happen. Which feel only been half address or ignore


Now just have all of them or at least kitty pryde,Jessica and Lana cross over be stuck in New York 616 with miles too.

That’s it * throws hat up in the air *.

Wait wait beside Batman


( T_T)\(^-^ )