
PS: Not to mention that an account being active before 2015 in no way precludes it being a Russian troll even if it were the Russians at issue this time.

From Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan: “We’re not going to make it, are we.”

*scratches head* Russia? Not all such political tricks originate in Russia. To cite just two examples, neither Roger Stone nor Lee Attwater were Russian.

Excuse me if I don’t fucking believe this. Show some proof, post the emails, twitter comment, etc from ACTUAL supporters, or gtfo. 

Funny. The only internet people I’ve ever experienced both misogyny and racism are Sanders haters. Oh, and here are some “receipts” rather than just blanket accusations.

I do not understand any of this.

Yeah, about that

There’s no excuse for this, and I know I’m about to make one, but I just don’t think too much of this criticism can be leveled at Sanders himself or his base, when we know for a fact Russian agitators were doing this exact same shit in 2016. “Self-identified Sanders supporters” might not be that, after all.

A political dirty trick isn’t necessarily a “conspiracy,” in the sense of the conspiracy fantasies that Conservatives like to promote, it’s just normal course of business for some.

Googling the exact phrase “Hillary Clinton is worse than Trump” seems to front-load stuff before the election, and not all of it from Liberals.

So you’re gonna tell me that a whole lot of people who support a candidate who’s entire career is built on egalitarianism, and who’s whole platform is likewise built on such philosophies, are levying very not-that racist attacks against a very small political party?

Trump is going to be so bloody insufferable when he gets reelected. 

It’s too late at this point. They’ve shifted the narrative. Their shithead, careerist supporters have been gaslighting and deflecting the whole week. They’ve hitched Bernie’s campaign random Twitter people to avenge a grudge against Shaun King. 

*scratches head* Honestly this doesn’t sound like any Sanders supporter I know. Indeed it sounds like something an opponent would fake. (If you doubt that stuff like that happens let me know and I’ll hook you up with some links about it.)

Who gets to live in the WH, them or Bernie? 

It’s a leftist website that supports leftist politicians. Wonkette is right over there if it’s too much for your bitchass.

At this point, based on what has actually been shared as example, this is the weaponization of accusations of racism. Again. I don’t doubt that there have been some racist responses, it seems doubtful that there are so many, compared to the calls for transparency, as to warrant this response from individuals who

Any racially-based attack is abhorrent, but they still won’t release the same set of numbers they did back in 2016. I wonder why that is?

I tend to agree. It’s not a great look, though, when Mr. “My burden is people thinking they’re smarter than me about 2009 Senate politics” Pfeiffer MISIDENTIFIES WHO WAS IN THE SENATE IN 2009.

This line is so tired