
But it also casts Shared Delusion, which gives allies with the same color alignment +2 zealousness. It can be surprisingly effective, depending on how you’ve built your deck.

The only “charging” that ball of orange hued fatty tissue and cowardice has ever done is on a credit card.

Because he’s angry AND ENTITLED.

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

They were probably bummed out that they killed him and missed the opportunity to take him to Burger King.

Not really, these guys want to die when they commit these acts. It would be far better for everyone if they were taken alive and tried in the courts. This way, he goes down as a martyr for all the other dumbfucks who think like him but are even too cowardly to shoot innocent unarmed people.

Oh, they’re already trotting out the “he’s not a REAL conservative” shit. No conservative was ever a real conservative by the time their careers are over. 

“It’s important that we don’t say his name or make this about the shooter, because that would just give him the attention he craved! It’s really, really important, everybody, that we don’t say his name or look into who he was associating with online!”

The old "you're racist for saying this is about race!" card. It's funny, because think it counters the "race card", but it just really does double damage to who plays it. 

I think kids prone to radicalization might actually go the wrong way with classes like that. It’ll fuel the false-persecution complex common in far-right ideology. “Useless leftists are trying to brainwash us I’m the only one who sees through them”. You get a lot of that already, without anything to really justify it

I feel the need to teach America the phrase ‘that’s well Brexit’ at this point. Possibly even None More Brexit. 

I mean even being aware that book exists is a red flag. You’re either someone who keeps tabs on violent right wing ideologies or you’re a white supremacist yourself. 

Trump: Just look at this, we have a Santiago shooting up Great White Gilroy Garlic. It’s unbelievable, I told you they were criminals

Remember when ISIS was recruiting via Facebook and Twitter? You don’t see much of that these days, do you?

It’s not that it’s hard for websites or social media to police this, because they’ve already shown us THEY CAN DO IT. What’s hard is getting them to want to, because then you have to convince them to disagree

They’re just salivating over his Italian/Iranian thing.... Sorry, fuckers, you already promoted Italians to white in the 60s, no takesies-backsies.

I would bet a good chunk of money he was also incel.

Sure, but your wife’s still mad you didn’t bring her .

As someone who has done more than a few cruises, I’d always recommend for people to avoid short 2-4 night cruises on ships that offer unlimited alcohol

Are you recommending canned mushrooms?

Thank God I'm not the only person who had this thought. Truth be told though, it hasn't had the right flavor in a long time (ever since they got away from diced toppings really). What I would do to get another medium Supreme that tasted like it did from my childhood...