
treats LGBTQ like subhumans and does charming things like throw them off the roofs of the few tall buildings their primitive culture have been able to achieve?

Another internet toughguy!”

I’m shocked.  Absolutely shocked.

This is all a long con for the priests to get in discord groups with underage kids.  

This entire article should be pulled, its reads like a fucking promotion piece.

Hey again, went on their discord, and would you believe that this guy doesn’t like gay people? This “hate the sin not the sinner” stuff is exactly what conversion therapy centers say and is easily recognized as “well we can’t say we hate gay people but we gotta let you know we do not approve of their existence” to

but we also need to realize not every story about religion needs to a hit piece.

Religion is a social ill. Accepting people’s desire to ignore reality by believing in fairy tales has had tremendous negative consequences throughout history. Fuck religion. I don’t care what form it takes at this point, it needs to go.

That’s fine, since the president is all-powerful now, that’s the only position the Dems need to win.


If my 50+ years have taught me anything it’s that it can and will always get much worse than whatever the current low is. Remember when we all couldn’t imagine a president worse than Bush Jr.

I’d never condone political violence (this is untrue, punch nazis all day).

No moron, what would be a bad look is if the campaign fired all the field workers and brought in scabs, or refused to negotiate, or said no to any requests made by the union. Simply, that the union is bringing it’s concerns to the employer to be addressed and the employer makes a good faith effort to do so, is the

The time for common ground ended a long time ago. We have a whole rural nation who are being left behind due to technology and their way of life coming to an end, and a constitution that empowers them over the much-more-populated (and income generating) urban nation.

Every single member of the trump party is a racist piece of shit. If you have family that still supports the orange turd, cut them out of your life. Make them feel the consequences of supporting, and being, scum.

Let’s be honest, they’ve been perfecting the response for years: “THOSE people are allowed to say it in their rap songs and talking about each other, but the Leader of the Free World can’t use it? You’re the real racist because you hate white people so much that you want to police their freedom of speech.”

It sucked under Obama, and it’s sucking under Trump

In a sane world, Dems would be the right wing, DemSocs the left wing, and the GOP would have died twenty years ago.  But that’s about the time I decided to grow a goatee, so now I’m realizing we must have dropped into the Mirror Universe somewhere along the line.