Thiz Sotk

That really didn't seem to be the point of your posts in regards to the show's ratings or lack thereof.

Remember when Sue actually had an honest-to-God subplot in season 1?

I actually think Season 5 has been a lot better than Season 4, which I thought wasn't nearly as good as Seasons 1 and 2, and was much much weaker than my personal favorite, the brilliant season 3. Of course, Season 4 is the one the won the Emmy for Best Comedy Show when I preferred another nominee after two to three

Exactly. It wouldn't shock anyone us if Catherine grew up imagining (and continues to) Selina as not her true self but as the loving, nurturing, affectionate, and selfless mother she never had. She's using Marjorie as that surrogate who somewhat looks like Selina, but has a totally different temperament. I expect

I think the lesbian aspect isn't actually going to be the conflict here, but the fact that Catherine fell for what was supposed to be Selina's body double (even if Selina doesn't see it). There's all sorts of psychological/emotional issues there. Anyway, I thought Catherine had a lot of great moments in past seasons,

I actually think this is the first time Karen actually made her actually opinion known too. Sure she started out with supporting Charlie, then she made a great point about how that would damage her career. When Selina tried to get her to agree with the saving Charlie's bank decision by asking what if there was a gun

I don't know why you're so obsessed about whether it's bringing in money or has good ratings or brings in new audiences (how many long-running shows after 6 years really bring in "new" audiences?). Bob's Burgers just finished its 6th season and will go on to it's 7th. Even if next season is its last, leaving after 7

I know a lot of people only like Gene when he's in the back-burner, but I honestly do think the best episode this season was "The Gene and Courtney Show". I was feeling that this show was in sort of a decline (not that it's bad by any means, but it seems a it complacent), but then that episode happened and gave me

I think Dong and Kimmy have real potential. Really felt it in season 1 and in his last episode in season 2. I think they didn't want to push it too far just because they want Kimmy to be partnerless and actually deal with her stuff now. It's way too early for her to be in a healthy relationship. Before he was

Screw boring Keith. Kimmy and Dong were perfect.