Of course he'll choose mundane answers over supernatural ones. He is a PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR.
Of course he'll choose mundane answers over supernatural ones. He is a PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR.
The movie is definitely exploitative, but the images which are presented aren't done so in a particularly titillating way; they are presented as horrific, not as things that are meant to be erotic or arousing. There is a coherent plot and a narrative arc (I disagree that the film "ignored every tenet of…
I agree, but I thought "start with the boy" was its own black-humored capstone to the whole film.
I've actually been baffled by the positive review for Martyrs, which I thought was a lot more half-baked than A Serbian Film is (and more gratuitous in its use of violence besides).
There is some humor to A Serbian Film, too, albeit not that much. But the whole "this is the new avant-garde" bit from the director's character is pretty clearly intended to be funny, and the whole (SPOILERS) death by skull-fucking bit at the end is also pretty, uh, tongue in cheek. (And Schramm wasn't exactly a…
Holy cow, what a terrible date movie!
I actually thought the whole sequence was rather laughable (though the rest of the movie disturbed me). As far as the logistics go, the camera veers off to the left when the act is about to occur and the viewer sees a shadow on the wall, if I recall correctly (plus sound effects).
Yeah, I really like that actor (he was great as Woody in This is England), but it was a little too obvious that he's just the new version of Nathan - talkative, says inappropriate things, annoying yet endearing, heart of gold, etc. I'm wondering if they just stuck with dialog that had already been written for Nathan…
It's been a long time since I read the books, but the advantage of doing a movie is that they can pick just one or two of the more compelling stories and make the movie out of them (something I thought Sin City did a decent job at). I don't see any reason it couldn't work in principle.
I think the implication is that the fast-moving picture is likely to make viewers dizzy and nauseous.
I like how on a show that features the least competent psychiatrist ever depicted on TV since Dr. Melfi in The Sopranos, the paramedics who show up to the scene of the accident are also the most inept ever depicted. "Hey lady, don't move that body! She might have a broken… oh, you're really upset? Well, ok then."
I sort of assumed the "you can never leave" thing referred to the old ghost trope about ghosts not being able to move on until their bones receive a proper burial.
Not specific enough. The movie is not a feast for the tympanic membrane or the eustachian tube.
That is incorrect. Please note the fourth chart on this page.
No missteps? Maybe try checking the blogosphere to see how people felt about Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws, or Catwoman, or in general, DC editorial's seeming inability to handle female characters with anything like maturity in this relaunch (which, funny coincidence, the gender balance among its creative…
Ooh, if you like that, you should definitely check out the episode of the How Did This Get Made podcast on Punisher: War Zone. Along with Patton Oswalt, Paul Scheer brings in the director of the movie, who claims that she took all of the crazy, over-the-top violence directly from the comic book (presumably the Garth…
So wait - after all that crazy bullshit Juice had to go through in order to get one little sample of coke for the US Attorney for the last several weeks, this time he just goes offscreen for five minutes and comes back with a little baggy? Juice, why didn't you just do that the first time, buddy?
What do you mean, blatant? It's not they just broke into an apartment in the middle of a densely-populated urban area, shot a guy in the head in front of upwards of ten witnesses, and fled the scene or anything. (Like that would even violate their probation anyways, sheesh.) And the way they drive those loud,…
The man in the video comes over with a free pizza.
That's giving Tomine way more credit than he deserves with that, I think. I mean, I actually like Tomine a good deal, but c'mon! Right after Wilson, Tomine comes out with a story divided into gag panels, about a shlubby, talkative fellow going through a midlife crisis? It's a fine story, but Clowes just did it.