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Yeah, but what on earth were you doing ordering a chicken burger to begin with?  Just get a burger!

"A 4chan-style Ask A Guy Who’s About To OD Anything stream"

Meh. I mean, I guess that song was "accessible" and all but that band's earlier stuff is way better.

Oh, those excitable Brits.  NME is the Tiger Beat of England.

They need to remake FF already, but as good movies.  Don't know why they're doing Spiderman instead, which already has good movies.

I liked Hawkeye a lot growing up too, but that was before I realized how much less interesting he was than Green Arrow.  Still, Renner is a good choice to play him.

He didn't do that even once, as near as I remember.  They were playing in a theater and he asked the crowd to stand up and move in.  The crowd was very enthusiastic throughout the set.

Seriously.  I don't like it either.  You people shouldn't like it.  It's an irritating neologism and the amount of time the writers on this site spend dragging it back out of its cage for one more go-round should embarrass all concerned.

There's really not a lot left to simplify in this weak-sauce argument, frankly.

Don't worry, they'll be rebooting the remake about 6 months after this is released.

Not to be glib…
…but I think a fair summary of his argument as presented here:

Maybe I just didn't get the myriad references in 1910 as much as I did with the other LXG stuff, but I thought it was an incoherent mess.Not really looking forward to 1969 based on that alone.

I thought it was a honeybadger reference, but I don't think the timeline (for writing / filming / airing) would allow that to be possible. Anyways, it was not very funny, or maybe I'm just missing the reference that would make it funny. Overall I felt this was the weakest episode of the season (C- at best, IMHO).

Am I the only one who didn't like this?
I mean, I like the show a lot and Louie CK in general, but this just didn't bring the funny, and did have a whole bunch of Very Special Episode sermonizing. I was surprised that they didn't restate the moral of the story at the end. "Wow, well I guess I learned today that

"Tavish Grill"
FWIW, the San Francisco restaurant he mentions is the "Tadich Grill."

Where the fuck is the Vision?
and who let Black Widow into the Avengers?

Yeah, really, what the fuck? I don't mind video advertisements on the site, why don't you guys let Marketing go nuts and mix them in with the rest of the content like they want to, that's fine with me, but have a little respect for your audience and CLEARLY MARK the stuff that is paid for please? C'mon, pop culture

Hat tip to metafilter
…or rather some dude on metafilter, but the best part of this video is the blonde hooker, er, punk rocker, who make s a brief cameo appearance in the background at 0:46 - 0:48.

His albums are OK, but I always thought his best work was in Poltergeist II.