For anyone who thinks Michelle Bachman is Jewish, I have one word: Chuts-pah. That ought to clear it up.
For anyone who thinks Michelle Bachman is Jewish, I have one word: Chuts-pah. That ought to clear it up.
Oh god, I hate it SO SO MUCH when fundamentalist Christians do this. I once had a guy tell me he felt like he was as Jewish as I am as an evangelical born again Christian like I was gonna give him a high five. SO OFFENSIVE.
@celiac_queen, you might want to reference @deemer's response downthread. Your daughter is lovely but do you really want her to have to trade on her looks?
Yeah, call me when they grow up and fill out a little bit. And grow some chest hair. Now get off of my lawn.
We co-slept with our kids and most of our parenting friends did, too, and that's not been my reality. I know one person who 'fesses up to this (because I realize when we discuss it that some people might lie) but the rest of us head to another room. Also some kids start in their own bed and then toddle into their…
Thanks for sharing that — we only watch streaming TV and I never know what the hell is coming up new and THIS I want to see.
The adoption system IS screwed up in lots of ways (says this adoptive mom) but I'm sure it was drugs because she needed the money. You can't sell your baby via an adoption agency — the agency gets the money. And in some states adoptive parents can't pay rent or that kind of thing because it's too much like buying a…
Exactly. Plus it's Don Rickles. It's what he DOES — he invented cruel comedy. And he did put his hand out, which is more kindness than I've ever seen him display.
I am a little obsessed with the Maria Bamford show!!
I trump her miscarriage with my seven miscarriages and they have made me more pro-choice. As someone who was not able to control her (in)fertility and who was devestated by this lack of control, I more strongly support the right for a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy. To me, it's two sides of the same coin. I…
It's even more fun if you watch it and pretend they're all more of Dick Whitman's secret lives.
Hoarding is an anxiety disorder and yeah, it's part of the obsessive/compulsive family. I know this 'cuz I'm taking Abnormal Psych right now for my masters in community counseling. Also on the show you can see there's usually a trigger for people that ratchets their disorder way way up. How many of those people had a…
I know that Julianne Moore has said things like that. She says that she is constantly hungry, too, but that's what it takes for her to get work.
Creepiest revenge video where woman kills her attacker: Health "We are Water" directed by Eric Wareheim. Do not watch with children, small animals or the easily scared in the room. This video haunted me for days.
Some of her early work was definitely more exploitive and disturbing and Toddlers & Tiaras-esque.
I'm getting a yeast infection just looking at that vinyl number.
I've been sharing this essay around, which a friend of mine (Shannon LC Cate) wrote years ago and actually if the child was intersexed the folks who knows about these things would still encourage parents to choose a gender with the understanding that ultimately the child has the right to make the decision whether to…
Mine, too. She was also a 32-year old grandmother and had all of her kids by the time she was 22.
If you breastfeed in front of kids they do imitate suckling with toys. My son used to breastfeed his trucks.
Actually if it really were in Lima like it pretends to be there'd be other black people at her school. About a quarter of Lima's population is African American (I only know this 'cuz I used to work for an agency that did historic preservation for Ohio towns and so I know random stuff about random Ohio towns).