
Ugh this feud is so boring and stupid I am not rooting for either of them. However, I will say that this “reason” from Katy Perry isn’t the exoneration she seems to think it is. Encouraging your dancers to take another job but telling them how to do it so they can quit halfway through and join hers is still shitty,

It discontinues student loan subsidies.

I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.


Ja Rule, the rapper and Mr. McFarland’s celebrity business partner, looked on the bright side. “The whole world knows Fyre’s name now,” he said. “This will pass, guys.”

I genuinely feel bad for the musicians, vendors, carpenters, and other service providers who have been burned by these fuckers. Making your living is hard enough without having to chase fraudsters who take your time and labor and fail to pay, let alone getting your equipment stuck in customs for debts that are not

Do yourself a favor and read that NYT, it is very good. McFarland and Ja are snakes and deserve everything that’s coming at them. Also, be sure to peep those texts McFarland sent out. Because. ??????????????

Counterpoint, if you can’t be without your phone when watching a movie, stay home. If you can’t break from it for a couple hours, that’s your problem. You are definitely a sociopath.

Your schedule and texting activity is the problem of other people. You should follow your own advice and stay home.

Thankfully Alamo Drafthouse will kick people out for using their phones during a movie. I don’t go to them, but it’s a great policy.

It is not unreasonable to expect someone to not look at their phone for 2 hours. In a dark movie theater, the bright screen of a phone is immediately noticeable in your peripheral vision. C’mon you already know this.

Hard no. The whole point of watching a movie in the theater is to be in an immersive environment free of distractions. The ideal experience is supposed to be in the theater.

The theater tells you before the showing that cellphones are distracting and not to ruin the movie for everyone else. 

“If you’re that distracted, don’t go to the movies”

You are a garbage person.

I know it’s not an “emergency” becuase you’re still in the fucking theater. You’re phone is a giant blinding light flickering.. it’s not about staring at your selfish ass. I didn’t pay good money to watch people yank out their phones every minute and a half

In a dark theater, that tiny little bright-ass screen is really noticeable, and it takes me out of the moment. If you need to text, stay home and watch movies (or go all the way to the top row where no one is sitting behind you and will see that screen while you’re texting).

Sorry, but it’s hard to focus on the big screen in front of you when there is a small, brighter, glowing screen much closer. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait. And if it is an emergency, well then leave the theater.

You did not need to be a boy, but teens or early 20s and at least on the periphery of a drug scene sure helped. As a woman, I did not find any of the women in the movie to be “invisible”.