I am a hobbiest poet and I wrote a poem about the dreams I've had about my best friend since she passed away, 2 years ago this Christmas. It's a bad ass poem, describing all the crazy dream-world things we should be doing when I lucid dream about her. But what always happens is we sit quietly and she answers all my…
I support you in all of this. I love Ghostbusters 2 and I thought John Carter was perfectly entertaining and an above average adaptation of the book.
Plenty of people like John Carter. But jesus, did Disney mishandle that incredibly.
I have deep and abiding faith that he is really truly talented. I'm not sure how much of that is based on truth and how much on how much love I have for Riggins.
No, I know a lot of people who really enjoyed it, myself included. It bombed because Disney's marketing for it was atrocious.
I wish Tim could've lived with the Taylor's forever so that he'd always have Coach Taylor to be stern yet caring at the same time.
Not Chocolat Depp? I saw that movie as a 12-year-old straight boy and had Thoughts.
I opened this ranking hoping JFK Jr. was #1 and was not disappointed. Thank you Erin for doing God's work.
Me neither. I mean, I would, but my heart wouldn't be in it. I'd be going through the motions, banging the man he once was rather than the man he is now. It would be bittersweet.
I knew John John had to be #1 before I opened this.
I wouldn't really bang the current version of Johnny Depp anymore and that makes me very sad.
Oh yes. John-John.
Not ashamed to say it - I would bang every version of Johnny Depp. From Benny and Joon to Tim Burton puppet....yes yes yes.
Patrick Swayze's mullet though. Yeesh.