hippies use side door

Having been in your position before losing and keeping off 60 lbs, my comments speak to the people who show up to the gym with no desire to learn or train properly. One of the reasons I'm not overweight anymore is because I stopped trainers and asked them for help; I didn't roll my eyes when class instructors tried to

Due Feb 9th. All I need her to do is stay in there until after the Super Bowl, then she can do what she wants. Fortunately my doctor is totally down for caffeine consumption, otherwise I would be dead. But my husband is in the craft beer business and I seriously miss the craft brews. And if I could eat my cereal with

There are a lot of things I loved (or just ate regularly) pre-pregnancy that I've just had no interest in. I pray it isn't permanent!

There are a lot of things I loved (or just ate regularly) pre-pregnancy that I've just had no interest in. I pray it isn't permanent!

I have been a regular gym-goer and class-taker for over a decade, and it's helped me keep off 50+ lbs. Currently I am 34w pregnant but still hit the gym 3-5 times a week, and still take my regular boot camp and spinning classes (albeit with instructor-approved modifications). I know almost everyone in my regular

It started early! My gym was packed yesterday morning!!

Raw oysters (and raw seafood) carry a higher risk of bacteria infections. They'd be unpleasant for most people, but the medications used to treat infection aren't recommended for preggos. I firmly subscribe to the "almost everything in moderation" when it comes to pregnancy eating, but when we're talking good oysters,

Albert, I have six weeks left in my pregnancy. SIX DAMN WEEKS. You couldn't have waited six weeks to write this? Why must you torture me so?!

Female here:
I very clearly remember the first time I ate raw oysters. I didn't take my pants off, but I definitely felt...funny inside.

Hey, some people need help with the basics. My husband eats a potato in some form at pretty much every meal, has done his whole life, and still makes lumpy mash.

Shut up now and repent your sins!!

I want to bake this cake thing for dessert -

A few years ago I started soaking cheesecloth in bourbon and blanketing my bird with it about 24 hours in advance. I'll never go back, I get a gorgeous bird every year.
and I butter her up under the skin before she goes in the oven too.

The beard is a fail. Good job with the other pics, though.

As someone who has shared many elevator rides with Kimmy, both pre- and post-makeup, I can assure you she has some absolutely incredible makeup artists creating face for her.

My husband owns a craft bar in Hell's Kitchen. I recently left my job as a manager of a Times Square bar/restaurant. The owners of my bar also owned 12 other midtown establishments. Being geniuses, they own all their property outright (no leases) and all their mortgages are paid off via a separate property management

You're making it up, but he is her ex-husband, so you aren't living in a total fantasyland!

When I first started dating my Irish guy (now my spouse) I thought I could keep up with him in the beer and potatoes department. I mean, I could, but I showed it a hell of a lot more than he ever did. I'm pretty vain though, so I had to cut back on that shit - for myself, not for him. He doesn't care.

"I work with colored people everyday! We even shower together!!"

Oooo you nailed it