
It’s only hinted at in the piece, but the Indians going to the World Series in 1995 was intolerable to the petty and vain Modell. He wasn’t used to sharing the limelight, and the fact that Clevelanders were talking about the Tribe and not the Browns that October helped put him in the frame of mind to decide to piss of

Kinda makes you nostalgic for the days of “shrink it and pink it,” eh?

Oh, it’s a magnificent insult, the dude’s got a contract killer’s precision. You don’t insult NYC by saying it’s the worst or offering any other superlative. You do it by suggesting it’s just like everywhere else. Nothing special, just another municipal dump like San Diego or (gulp) Cleveland. I knew as soon as I read

In fairness, he killed his dick with whiskey 35 years ago and no longer remembers how they work.

He is a con man telling lies to people who want to be deceived.

The Pacific Northwest as a whole has a LOT of racism issues

Yeah, they don’t act like a political party. They don’t want to win or govern, they just want to bitch about the Democrats. They are basically walking, breathing Jacobin columns, and the Green party exists as a home for leftier-than-thou types who will strenuously exert themselves in order to make comically absurd

This pairs well with the “THE GREENS LOST US THE ELECTION!!!” freakout we’re seeing in OH-12. First of all, the same Green candidate got 3.6% last time and .6% this time, so even his small level of support fell off a cliff. Second, you can co-opt the Greens by offering (and fighting for) an actually progressive

They dumped the QB that took them to the playoffs for the first time since the Truman administration and mortgaged their future to replace him with this.

It take some real work to waste free tickets to success, or at least mediocrity, as often and as spectacularly as the Browns do.

That first goal is just gorgeous: Cross, header, trap, cross, half-volley, score. What teamwork and skill.

Yeah I mean I get the whole punching up/punching down dynamic, so it’s not an exact parallel, but the “it was a joke/satire” defense falls as flat for me here as it does when some wingnut says it. Her tweets strike me as being made with genuine animus. I get that it’s not eliminationist rhetoric, that she’s directing

I hope it doesn’t hurt her prospects. Franken needed to go and singling her out is absurd.

who fucking DOES that?

“We thought we’d pay for it by harnessing your mom’s prolific blow job schedule but then we realized she insists on doing them for free.”

Vlad pivoted to white supremacy and crony capitalism, he’s thoroughly acceptable to conservatives now.

Good for her. Her messaging is great, it would be fantastic if she beat Mini Mario Junior.


Your WYTS Chargers edition is going to lead with “you are the only team the Cleveland Browns have beaten in the last two years,” right?

That is my favorite of all the well actuallys.