Deserves the “Most Punchable Face in Motorsport” trophy, edging out Lance Stroll as a close second
Deserves the “Most Punchable Face in Motorsport” trophy, edging out Lance Stroll as a close second
Four tourists suffered minor injuries.......
The trick is, as I’m getting older, to just let go and not bring this up within 30 seconds of meeting someone.
Gabrielle Union is the actual literal best, and I hope Mr. Wade spends a significant part of his retirement free time worshiping* her as the goddess that she is.
Those look fun to clean.
Fastback is not the right description for a blob like an X6. Fatback would be more fitting. Similar, yet very different.
The US educational system has a lot of barriers in place to restrict economic and social mobility, which also bolsters both generational poverty and generational wealth. Yes, you can take out a shit ton of money in loans or get scholarships to overcome this, but it’s really an unfair system, and making people take out…
Not at all - it’s an autocross thing. 200-treadwear driven in anger doesn’t last long.
I’m sure the new handle works just fine
Obviously, the seller is a dickhead.
“Detailing cars is the most soul sucking profession on the planet,”..
Maybe as a worker for Lyft that is true. Uber was founded and led by a narcissistic psychopath who surrounded himself with similar people or people so greedy that they ignored the issues with management because they were making so much money. I worked with Travis at one of his pre-Uber startups and know this is true.
I have worked for both as a second job. Lyft was always worse than Uber, they just hid it better. Less pay, less riders, and just a worse experience in general
Counterpoint - in a race to the fucking bottom, everyone loses. Except for those who run the show.
To the left and hide.
Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!
Well, he did almost write her off...