Instant winner. Any further discussion would be futile and unnecessary.
Instant winner. Any further discussion would be futile and unnecessary.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
American buyers are fickle. Sometimes I think they should have just left all the Aussie badges on the car and sold it as an import along side all the Chevrolets at dealerships. Only then would the yuppies and d-bags who care more about status than automotive prowess line up to buy it.
They keep tons of stock, but no guarantee they’ll have what you want.
I don’t see the problem here. If I’m gonna shell that kind of cash for a car it’s unlikely to the one they happened to have in stock at the time. Which is likely to be a silver beigemobile anyway. You know, that boring silver beigemobile with the same options as every other car they’ve sold and will sell.
I feel you. I lived in a small town before and my S2000 was quite exotic. All repairs need to be done by yourself. Now I live in Southern California, which may account for 25% of global M3s (making number up) so my Z3M tends to stand out a bit more. Here Golf Rs, S2000s, M3s, 911s,and Mustangs are very common. It is…
Midnight purple is kind of a mid-1990s/early 2000s color trend that I think would do well to come back. Embrace color. It’s good for you.
My friend has an E46 M3 and it is a wonderful car. I just loved it. I can’t say anything else.
I used to work with a guy who had a nice E46 M3, but it made ME cry because he beat the living shit out of that thing. Then again, he’s kind of a man-child.
Drive an E46, and both of them pale in comparison. The 1m is twitchy, the dif in the E46 is better then both, and well the s54b32... Sure in a straight line the E46 will be the slowest, but it is by far the best to drive. Plus lets be honest it looks way better then both of these.
How could anyone resistor?!
Ohm my god...!