
You really didn’t see the irony of your statement then.

We should make it illegal. Obviously. I mean seriously. You don’t approve of what someone else does with their life. Ban it.


Are you really blaming this, of all things, on Republicans? You can find lots and lots of things to hate both shitty political parties. But this particular incident is not a Republican issue. It's a bipartisan fuck job.

Well that answers that definitively.

Or... How much is he willing to pay for something that actually is important? 1 billion? His sense of value is fucked due to a lifetime of feasting on the taxpayer teat.

When you really think about it, no one is as smooth as Charlie V.

Hey now, I'm not divorced... Yet.

It's almost like they're doing it because they think it's the right thing to do. And not for publicity. I know, unpossible, right?

I knew Charlie would make it.

As a guy who never skips leg day, I say bring on the short shorts. 80's basketball shorts are just about the perfect length.

Most "deniers", myself included, agree with the 97% if scientists who say that humans contribute to climate change. All deniers, and many of those 97% of scientists don't agree that it is, or will be, catastrophic or dramatic. Many people believe it will be beneficial to humans. Warmer weather equals longer growing

And they said there's no such thing as a stupid question. Of course it will be Jay cutters fault. Duh.

When was the last time you saw a government agency reduce staff and/or expenses? Lol. Yeah right. They'll just invent new crises to make worse.

If voting mattered it would be illegal.

$40M of our money. The government has no money. It just spends our money.

There’s absolutely no evidence public. Neither you, me, or jezebel knows if there actually was a sequel assault.

Jezebel should have evidence before publishing this piece and ruining this guy’s life.

1 millionstars for this.