
They are! 

You have the right to ask any gyno what their beliefs are so you do not experience that again.

I would totally be Mr Roger’s neighbor!!!

GO CHRIS EVANS!! David Duke, please do us all a favor and move to an island and take your ass bag white fanatics with you.

Considering our fellow citizens are putting it all out on social media. Hey lunkheads, national security matters so maybe you shouldn’t be posting stuff like that. Fucking idiots.

All someone has to do is have him trip down a flight of stairs. No guns needed. SS or FBI can do this with the greatest tact and discretion.

What a social moron.

Whenever I see footage of a goombah like this, the Italian in me dies a little.

Oh that must have been such a wonderful group...

Well, if anyone in Hollywood needs a story, they have found a golden one.

Some people just need a punch in the mouth. Glad your in-laws love you :)

They are usually nannies for the elites so they are hidden in the basement.

I’m Italian, you can control stupid if you were raised right.

When it hits the racks at my local republican area of NJ Marshall’s it will sell for $30 I bet.

Hot damn she is 50?! I am 2 years younger and look fabulous. Can’t wait to see what the next few months do to her...

I am so ashamed that she is from New Jersey. Fucking twat waffle.

Of maybe he will die on The Hill and we will all feel like the sun is a little brighter.

It is also interesting that her dad is furious at Nordstrom, an American Owned Company, because they won’t sell his kid’s polyester shit anymore. So which is it Trumpoline, you either support American businesses or you don’t and if you don’t because you dislike them wanting to be profitable, well then fuck you right

MEXICO?? People need to start taking pix of those labels and tweet the fuck out of them. They will blame the manufacturer, but if she chooses to license her name, she should not be using Mexico since you know, the rapey drug dealing DREAM kids are hurting the USA. Man I want their Empire to fall so fucking hard.

She has aged, Spicer is starting and thank the baby Jesus you can see Trumpoline is aging already as well. Godspeed fuckwits, may your brain stroke out as you sign another EO or lie to the camera.