Because some parents only see Olympic Glory or athletic scholarships. Plus denial is a powerful thing. But if my son told me someone touched him where they shouldn’t, there would be no jail time as I would have torn that person apart limb by limb.
Because some parents only see Olympic Glory or athletic scholarships. Plus denial is a powerful thing. But if my son told me someone touched him where they shouldn’t, there would be no jail time as I would have torn that person apart limb by limb.
Can we start with Texas and Florida? Wall them off too. Then they can send a representative from their foreign nation to negotiate trade talks.
Tell her not to waste precious resources on shit like protesters and to stop humping Ryan’s leg. *She managed his debate preparation as he ran for VP in 2012.
I am surprised this is not getting more press. How DARE the people that got voted in refuse to hear their citizens concerns or even their praise. They get paid to do this job and have no reason to refuse unless they took this job thinking it would be easy money and all worship at their feet.
Crap, I am not in your district or else I would be all over this! Damn Gerrymandering has my part of Western Morris completely out of the 11th.
I think that infuriates me more than anything. Why vote party anymore?? All these people who just voted on R can go suck a rotten egg.
She needs to learn it is a real job and there are real people involved. This isn’t the 80's we are not junk bonds.
Like most everyone else, I am not a sore loser. It is not about Republican vs Democrat. This is about a bunch of Psychopathic Ingrates out for themselves ruining the land I live in and using the guise of “religion” as their playbook. Fuck them all.
Maybe that is the lesson for all of us of here. Show people that their Reps do not give a shit about them one way or another. Then again, the people who should be schooled are too busy watching Faux News to learn anything substantial. Will be a shame when they loose their healthcare and then freak out and blame some…
Wanna bet he has/had illegal nannies and maids?
And please may you be a TB carrier... ;-)
I marvel that people like this are allowed into political office. Fuck this country.
“To Arendt’s mind, Eichmann willingly did his part to organize the Holocaust — and an instrumental part it was — out of neither anti-semitism nor pure malice, but out of a non-ideological, entirely more prosaic combination of careerism and obedience.”
And that all the dunce heads who wanted to “Take America Back Again to the 50's” are seeing that dream realized. I hope they all burn.
Always hated those little bombs of death smell!
I was on a flight to California and about 1 hour before we were to a land a woman got up with an 18 month old with a new diaper and wipes in her hand and went in the bathroom. First, never knew a baby was even on the plane and second, yes, it can be done.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA That is beautiful
Well if you were out to destroy the world and were pleased by your legacy, you would have the same malice and dead eyes as well.
Like any religion, it depends on how Orthodox you are in practice. The families are very observant come Saturday with not using electricity or driving. You do cover your head for temple, but until I see a photo of Ivanka actually in a temple and keeping a kosher home, I call bullshit.