
I think it is crazy that man, for better or worse, has always considered itself the superior species. These people are shit. Let the Empire fall motherfuckers...

Hold Me Up is my all time fave Goo Goo Dolls album and I saw that tour. I am a proud olds. :)

I left a few years ago but I used to LOVE the GOD page!! That person did not violate shit, but was funny as hell. Fuck Facebook

You are absolutely correct. We learned that in hospice/oncology massage training. However the family feels, you go with it. I am not religious, but if you wanna sing Alleluia and think God will heal your metastatic stage 4 family member, go for it. If you want to use tibetan singing bowls and prayer beads, go right

My brother used an online bereavement group after our dad dies. Was the best thing for him.

I would have fucking belted that person so hard for you. When people say things like that, it is to make them feel better because they are scared and don’t know what to say. I will repeat this forever, when a tragedy happens and you do not have the words all you have to do is hug someone and keep your damn mouth shut.

I had a reduction in my early 20s. I would wait until then to be honest.

You are definitely on the right path, keep up the good work.

Well, now it is time to slap her and see how she feels about it.

Considering they were always so proud to be “neutral” this does not surprise me about the minarets. A little xenophobic there.

I root for the chicken bone everyfucking day.

Like a pack of deranged wolves they needed some poor soul to savage. Unfortunately we all got to witness it and we all want justice served as hard as possible.

I would have tackled that dad so fucking hard. That is crazy shit right there.

Where is this boy today?? Dentist? TV Programmer? On Ru Paul Drag Race??

I would suggest going to the library and using a computer there.

Does the woman have family? She sounds like worst bag of damaged goods ever. I am sorry the kids are being sucked into this, unfortunately she has continued the cycle of abuse. 

And controlling and manipulative. Does she only do this to you or to everyone? Has no one tried to stop her? Is she on meds?

Yikes! Allow me to be the voice of cruelty, you can hope to God she chokes on a chicken bone or has a heart attack or walks out on him and leaves the kids behind.

Chin Up

Max California said it best in 8mm: “If you dance with the devil, the devil don’t change. The devil changes you.”