
It sounds shitty to say, but all empires fall. And while we are not a true Empire like the Ottoman, Roman or British, we always believed and said we were better than everyone. Maybe we were with some stuff and we definitely weren’t with other stuff. Regardless, religion has begun some serious mayhem these last few

THANK YOU For telling them to get their bootstraps. That is all they did these last few years being all douchebaggy about minorities. Now it is time the Trump supporters take their own damned advice and go get a fucking job and stop sucking off the system.

And if factories do come back to the areas like the Rust Belt. They are non-union states. You ain’t gonna be making the big bucks, but you will be working long ass hours and suffering for it at the hands of your Corporate Overlords. Fuck them all.

Tom had Ben Afflecks’s nanny on his plane with he and Ben so yeah, he is a fucking douchebag.

Fucking beautiful.

you make a great point. Industries have changed. Unless Silicon Valley puts a factory in the rust belt. Even then, do they think they will get paid $45 an hour to make a motherboard? There are no unions allowed in most of the states that need these jobs so good luck with that.

WHAT THE FUCK? Why Cause he is an educated black man?!?? Afraid to lose the status quo?? Clearly a few trips to the Holocaust Museum in DC is in order for folks to understand why people might be freaking out if they are a minority. White is not a minority. Yet.

I live with the upper middle class white in an area of NJ close to Christie and I tell you, they all got their hate on because immigrants, muslims and bring jobs back to America shtick. Keep in mind these are people that employ immigrants, we are surrounded by farms that employ immigrants and these rich folk own or

Or maybe they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It is time to throw all that hateful white ass rhetoric back in these chumps faces.

YES!!!! This is “The Big Short” all over again. “They’ll blame the immigrants and teachers.” And they did. They fucking did.

Very very true, but it was Wall Street and Corporations that were their undoing. That is what amuses me. Trump is part of that group and either these folks chose to outright ignore it or just don’t get it.

And those selfish votes are what got us where we are. So those women will suffer and then cry that they are victims when they put themselves in the line of fire. Oh and they need to realize Medicare is just like Obamacare. So fuck them.

That sucks for you man. Ugh.

Maybe you should realize we function in a GLOBAL economy. Sure we lost manufacturing job starting back in the 90's, but what makes you think he is going to bring factories back? What kind of pay scale can he deliver? You sure as shit are not going to be making 45 bucks an hour to put some motherboard together and

Fuck yes, on the East Coast too. I am happy to consider secession for the first time in my life as a NJ resident.

Now playing

Roxy is the bomb. Big fan of going old school.

Pouring all day here in NJ

I have been saying for months that all Empires have to fall. Looks like ours is about to take it’s turn.

Amazing how the Bible gives you a sense of superiority isn’t it? Scares me like no one else.