This Take is on FIRE

Needs moar handshakes.

Fun fact: the guy with his hand on the gun also appears to have an assault style rifle hanging from his left shoulder.

Good Kinja.

Burneko, you had me at robo-hobo.

How stars is the right number of stars to give this comment?

Seems fair


I Dino What You Did Last Summer

True Bloviator

I bet he bearly moved for hours

Goth Winklevoss - also the new name of my kickball team.

Breaking news: celebrities only want your money, could give fuckall as to how they get it. Story at 11.

T.O. is feeling a little upset about losing the crown.

Also the look on my face watching the lead singer of Future Islands yesterday at Pitchfork.

She must be a Gawker reader as well...


Great point, didn't think about it like that. I guess I was confused since Deadspin REPOSTED the article to their blog as well. But tell me more about apples and oranges please.

Care to expand on that?

Josh Smith was signed purely to put up bricks from three point land which will be used to build a wall to keep Cuban away from DeAndre.

This is good and helpful Kinja. Been in the same situation with being in between hotels before but we paid the front desk 50 bucks to store our stuff. Ended up with a room upgrade when we got back and more importantly, all of our stuff.