
i've been on a real We Hate Movies kick recently and decided to finally look for We Are Strangers. even with my love for the podcast i was sort of ambivalent to the idea of an improvised movie. it started off a little bit too slow, though enjoyable, but by the time it got to Steve and Andrew's section together it had

i'd half-agree with this - Kintsugi's not the album i wanted it to be, but for me it does at least seem to hold more promise for whatever comes next. i liked Narrow Stairs well enough, mostly because I associate it with the first time I got to see them live, but almost never listen to it. Codes and Keys I appreciated

It's the most exciting thing that's happened to anywhere in Northamptonshire since that clown.

having just finished an essay on the worst of auteur theory for class (FUCK PETER WOLLEN AND FUCK AUTEUR-STRUCTURALISM), i'm just taking a moment to really bask in other people's criticism of the whole thing. fortunately our authorship module focuses more on tearing down the theory than applying it to film, but i

*skips straight to comments without reading the article* GREAT CASE, EVERYTHING CHECKS OUT, THE VERDICT IS YES ABSOLUTELY

something about it being at a concert really does slam it home hard, somehow. i went to see my favourite band last week, and all i could think of today was the sound of an audience full of voices audible even over the band, and the sense of unity with complete strangers when you look around and realise that everyone

yeah, this episode has made me actually interested in giving u2 another shot - they've always been one of those bands where i know i know a bunch of their songs from radio but have never cared enough to actually listen, and thought they were probably dicks, but the genuine care and enthusiasm for their work and fans

i've attempted it about five times and not really got into it, but finally i started and finished it a few weeks back. once i stopped trying so hard to build a chronologically-accurate picture of the narrative in my head and just aimed for a thematic/emotional understanding, it was really easy to get into. one of the

i'm glad to give a bit of a new spin on it then! it's definitely one of those that you can really miss the window on, but i got it at just the right time in my life and i'll always love it for that (as evidenced by the fact that it's nearly seven years later and i still can't resist chiming in about it!)

good lord i apologise for how long that post is, i'm going to bed.

i can see why someone would think that about Paper Towns, and my opinion is definitely coloured by the massive amounts of overthinking and possible over-reading into things as a depressed 17 year old, but here's my interpretation ('you' being used in the general sense from now):

i remain undecided about whether to watch this or not. most of the comments i've seen across the internet are either from people who are generally disinterested in John Green's work, or from the rose-tinted glasses fanbase.

Yeah, it's the only reason I started watching. I've formed absolutely no judgement on any of the episodes that I have seen because my brain spends the whole time going 'Leeeeeee Paaaaaaace' and literally nothing else can process.

If they had Lee Pace in a wet shirt as all of their promotional material I'd remember to watch this show more. Goddamn, that man is 100% babe.

Done it.

The long-drop toilets (essentially a bench with toilet seats several feet above some kind of shitpit) I've seen at some festivals are usually marginally less disgusting than porta-potties and intensely more hilarious. Treasured memories of being in one and hearing a splash and 'no, my phone!' from the next cubicle.

It would be me introducing my favourite shows to friends and seeing them get up to get a snack at the best parts, for eternity.

Even worse if there is free reign for anyone to add to the party music. Put it in the queue, fuckers, I see you trying to cut in! And no, guy who physically removed the laptop from my hands at a house party, we didn't want to listen to the first thirty seconds of every Oasis song ever.

Thank you for taking the time to read it. I appreciate that.

I don't think you are being deliberately hurtful but I also think you don't understand what people are actually upset about when things like this happen.