
It’s refreshing to see an argument between a black man and a white guy with guns end without any casualties.

Hell, attacking a guy from the FRONT for trash talking a sports team is being an asshole.

“The 49ers won, what the hell is wrong with you guys??”

Grabbed a screencap of Cosio’s latest draft, which suggests the 49ers fans went “a little too far” by attacking a man from behind and then gang beating him for the crime of being a roudy road fan.

If there is a just god in this universe, she was yelling “What are thooooooooooooooose?!”

i know several women in confederate states who also would pick cousins over a black man

I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.

After the success we had doing this with alcohol and drugs, I support this wholeheartedly.

I am an asshole for saying this.... But this is attention seeking bullshit. If you need help there are places to turn. Twitter certainly isn’t one of those places.

If he’s going to continue to come clean publicly, then he should say that he pretended to be friends with Icognito and that he was never bullied. It isn’t

Depression ain’t no joke, y’all. Seek help.