Nailed it. Alos, how many of the “outraged” white people do anything concrete to lessen the effects of discrimination in this country? Tweeting #outrage #oneofthegoodwhites # woke every times someone throws a slur around doesn’t fix anything.
Nailed it. Alos, how many of the “outraged” white people do anything concrete to lessen the effects of discrimination in this country? Tweeting #outrage #oneofthegoodwhites # woke every times someone throws a slur around doesn’t fix anything.
He is an asshole and still makes me laugh, has super smart guests, and also the panel is the most gloves-off political panel on America’s pussy ass TV where no one yells at anyone or calls them out on their shit. Could others do it? Sure, but he has clout whether you like it or not and HBO won’t risk losing their…
what about using the term “n-word”. It’s basically the same! It’s like spelling out a word without saying it. the correct term to use is “racial slur”.
Ok, this is worse than I thought. I imaged he used the word to illustrate something worthwhile... Like when the press uses the term “n-word” which is so hypocritical because you are STILL.SAYING.IT. Just because you didn’t write it and got the reader to say it in his head it doesn’t get you off the hook. Also using…
Being desired and admired as a teenager makes a lot of people super nice and empathetic. I think that empathetic people know they are privileged and notice how much harder it is for those who are not, so that is partly why many gorgeous female actresses go out of their ay to be nice.
It’s just so GROSS. He is so slimy. Contact with a father is not slimy, even if you are sitting on his lap as an adult. Unless it’s a slimy orange grossball, then even a pat on the arm looks disgusting.
Dude, is Barron at 11 year old thinks that crappy homemade gian rubber head is really his father then I don’t feel bad. Either that or that actually is what Trump looks like when he takes his mask off at night. #reptiliansarereal
Can you share more? My relationship of 15 years has entered twisted/nutjob/obsessive/drama territory and after a year of problems with more layers than an onion, my husband is considering divorce. He is currently obsessed with personality analysis and the fights and discussions are neverending and there is a point I…
Same. I’ve been together with my husband for 15 years and he decided he hasn’t been happy the whole time and that he needs something I simply can’t give. To me it’s like... You can meet someone new and 5 years later they are having an affair with someone. 4 years later they walk out. You can’t find someone who truly…
I am a big believer in love. I think that if two people were in love for 17 years that the chances that they may fall in love again are very high. Also, you can’t build what you had with someone for almost two decades with someone new. Start over? So that you have that trust MAYBE with someone new by the time you are…
Me too! To me she was just meh. also my mom is sort of a dick and growing up she would always make mean comments about Nicole and say how could anyone find her attractive with those thin lips that make her look frigid... Dunny she didn’t notice her daughter also has thing lips? She is an amazing actress and divorcing…
I love the way Nicole Kidman often holds hands with her female costars. There is a warmth in her that just shines through the screen.
All her movies are pretty and empty. And the trailer gave away the whole film anyway.
Straw men arguments. Probably not. What about the rest of the sexting? Maybe she was there blowing him while he did it.
My marriage is on the rocks. You are not mistaken when you talk about “toxic” masculinity. My husband is the kind who doesn’t talk about things. Half the time I feel like shit because he is grumpy or mad when I interrupt him. Then half the time I feel horrible because he reminds me that under his bad temper he is…
#6- People often correct me when I tell them I have hypothyroid. “You mean HYPERthyroid? You are so thin, your metabolism must be very fast”... Nope. I am active and I eat healthy which keeps me thin.
Adultery? How do you know Huma didn’t know? How do you know she doesn’t like it?
You have no idea what their marriage is like. Maybe they had an open relationship and she only was bothered by the sexting a minor thing. No one knows.
Why. You have no idea what their arrangement it. Maybe she sees other people. Maybe they were married for political reasons. Maybe she likes his sexting. No one knows.