
Druckman wants to show that anyone can be redeemed so the third game is a farming simulator.  Clicker mushrooms make excellent fertilizer for the radishes.

Studies have shown that you retain information significantly better when you read it.  

Nope. Here’s the thing with reading, you self-educate. When a book I’m reading references anything (word, historical person or place, etc) it makes me look up/explore that reference.

But do they pull and hop out at the after party?

Pretty sure sneaking your zucchini into someone van can be considered assault

Follow up question: do you think Abe’s visits to an extremely controversial shrine that pays tribute to, among other things, Japan’s war criminals who committed atrocities against the Chinese and Korean people is an example of AAPI hatred and prejudice, or at minimum anti-Chinese and Korean hatred and prejudice?

Ten years ago I wanted a Tesla.  Now I wouldn’t accept one for free.

Ah, a straggler from the Jack Thompson crusade. Well, I’ll be delighted to fill you in: Violent video games don’t cause violence, bad environments do. When it comes to the recent ‘trend’ of anti-protesters running people over in their cars, it’s probably because they’re not being held accountable for their actions,

Nah, that would only apply if there was a level where you were a “medic” at a protest.

Ahem, remember when trump got corporate tax rates slashed? Do you remember prices of all goods dropping dramatically? Yeah, neither do I. But I do remember companies making huge stock buybacks and dolling out big salary increases and bonuses to executives.

yeah, you were kind of a racist. like saving the council, i couldn’t imagine not saving them. you had to be a pretty much unilateralist.


Wasn’t the king foltest episode a full monster hunt for you? I would consider it that.

In a world with lots more digital assets I am kinda impressed how well done this case was.
Obviously the lending person (lets call him 1.4Million Moron or MM) shouldn’t lose his asset just because his friend is an idiot or a scam artist (SA). Meanwhile the buying party (BP) should also be compensated as they were

She is clearly Hispanic in that concept, not black. And they scrapped that concept because it made her look too much like McCree (who also has dark, weathered skin).

Uh, it seems more like they wrote and created a really cool black soldier lady and put her in a very important story position so they wanted to wait to fully introduce her until they do their story focused sequel?

Came here to say something similar.

Poison Ivy ..Cardi B .

being some young girl ready to be exploited”

I’d say “Internet as usual just casually following someone who’s a clear fraud simply because she looks like a hot piece of ass” considering she made it clear she was hustling ($14,500 to meet you? Get fucking real), but when the veil is ripped, the fraud revealed, and you STILL flock to her?