
is a story about a fat old badass bounty hunter the boomerbait turn star wars was always going to turn into?

How do these modders emulate maps in Minecraft? I’m assuming it isn’t entirely handplaced, but are there programs that print out the level in blocks?

The era of bald angry male heroes is over. Resistance and Killzone and Infamous are of that genre 

it’s a video game you play with friends to have fun. I recommend going outside.

oh my god why are you all the same. you have one joke.

the “noggin jogger red pill” thing is essentially just putting the n-word in the game, if you are clued into the dogwhistles of the /pol/ set.

you write like a CW screenwriter

ugh. I’ll be honest, I’ve not had the stomach to see the newest Who. I watched JayExci’s video on it and got more then enough

it is straight up dystopic nightmare. there is one faction of freed slaves who seem the most relatable and human, but they are constantly being killed or abducted by their former slavers. Everywhere else is a corporate nightmare.

Huh. I can’t say I have an opinion one way or another, but I imagine the fanbase is not too pleased. Seems a very strange crossover given the tone of EVE.

that’s fandom, lol

it’s disney. you know they will moichendise the shit out of this just like they did Mandolorian

Madden games haven’t been playable since he stopped featuring as a commentator. Coincidence? You tell me.

that’s not really an RPG

Have you seen how often info gets stolen in database breaches? No, man.

Except, there are not enough moderators in the world to prevent abuse. Facebook tried to, by hiring folks for cents on the dollar in the Philippines, and they were overworked and burnt out by the monstrosities they faced daily. I’d rather not have a gaming freak have my name and identity available so they can more

I didn’t realize I got a promotion to fix invasive privacy policies. I’ll get right on that chief.

cannot recommend this man’s videos enough, even if you’ve never played it. they are quite beautiful.

Fuck that, frankly. I’ve seen how psychotic real-id things like Facebook get despite there being PII involved, and I’ve seen how ugly and scary that drama can be...I don’t need that too be when I game as well.

axiomatically, games which create FOMO in their (often underaged and vulnerable) player populations are preying on the impulsiveness of their consumers.