
I love my Noctua, but also regret it at the same time. It sucked to install new ram with that beast in the way

It looks a lot like an updated Panzer General which....yes.

computers dont work well when frozen in carbonite!

Now playing

rip to the most gracious guy to ever be prank called

all I care about is my solo-play—could easily make it visible in online pvp

landlords steal money from people who actually work, hth.

I’d love for an option to make armor items invisible, so you could actually see your character.

drop in the bucket compared to Amazon’s exploitation of USPS

easy fix: go to NextDoor and look at your local comment section. all the neuroses and racism of white suburbia (men and women) will be on full display.

possibly the worst take I could ever imagine

when they say “he was hired with the understanding that those allegations would be resolved in some form.”

gotta love gamers who conception of any kind of political or humanistic opposition is “extremism”. let me know when you join the working world and can recognize the dangers of a company whose HR department is compromised like Ubisoft’s was.

hahahah ok. this isnt some aesthetics thing, this is “personal best friend of the company founder’s is in a high level position sexually harassing all the coworkers, and their entire HR department is systemically covering it up”. that tells me that there is fundamental rot in the way this company is structured, that

except with ubisoft, the owners and operators of the company were complicit in the abuses going on. the founders of the company, as well as their HR department, protected one of the worst offenders from facing any consequences. it’s not just a “few bad apples”, it is bad from the ground up.

the 99% doesn’t get the money when you buy it, welcome to basic labor theory.

I know this isn’t kosher to suggest, but this is one game I would have a hard time paying for, knowing what I do about the toxicity of Ubisoft. I’d like to see that entire rotten company burn to the ground.

ehh nah. it was weak tea unfortunately. not it’s fault, either. it’s super obvious covid really fucked up the back-half of the movie.

and maybe just forgot about him for a day or two

Fresca owns the shit out of all the other lemon-lime beverages

offensive comparison. mr rogers never raped a woman.