
The answer is not exactly “reduce regulation on housing.” The answer is “reduce the cost of building housing to regulation.” The marginal materials and time for simply building vs. building to code are not that significantly different.

Don’t celebrate this. This is assault. You do not get to hit somebody because you don’t like what they say. If you want to be a feminist, and celebrate equality for all, women do not get to slap men just because they are smaller in stature. 

This is not news. Those cars have been driving around for months. You’ll notice there is nobody in the back seat (as well as potentially the passenger seat). Uber has self-driving cars running in Pittsburgh. Uber does not have any self-driving cars available as a service for the general public (at least as far as I’m

I’ve been renovating a 1920 home for the better part of last year. The one thing I’ve learned is that if it’s questionable, I just want to tear it down. We tried to keep some of the plumbing, and some of the plaster, and some of the this or that. The best lesson is tear it all apart first. Putting it back together