
Cal and Tay were in a mock relationship for over a year? Really? Is that even possible? And no sex? Who would agree to that?

It’s what I do...I drink...and I Cosplay

Amazing. The albino racoon in Donald Trump’s hair must’ve been heavily sedated, because Fallon got away without a bite!!

Ok. I sometimes have trouble getting my point across. Nevermind.

Gacy is dead?

I bet the media would much rather forget they are African and just label them “Middle East” or “Arab”...

Charlize, according to the ever-biased American media, is “South African” which apparently is a special kind of African, notable for their whiteness.

Robert Plant remembers...

Beyonce don’t need to deliver no beybies...her music helps people make babies :)

I’m gonna venture a guess and say she’s being the bratty one. She probably thinks she deserves special treatment because she’s Don Johnson’s sad

Woke? Bae? What is this strange Beyhive language??

Boaty McBoatface!

Dude(‘s feet) looks like a Lad(ies)

Can I have a GYM with a Giant Hamster Wheel??

That’s what I was going to say! Robert was Alexis’ name before she transitioned.

That sounds about right.

More like stoned tweet (the cheesecake factory reference is a dead giveaway), but unequivocally yes...

It’s almost as if Sean inherited all of his father’s bullshit but none of his talent...