
Ha ha. I see you've utilized internet-standard comment #887.b, The implication that Link is female and that femininity is a detriment to the character and the series. Yes that is an observantly-made canned response!


I can read with my eyes.

Yep. We did it. We decided we couldn't hold off any longer. The longer we keep zombies in – the more complaints we'd get about removing them. We are forcing ourselves to deal with it. We are no longer a zombie survival game! They've been replaced with red bears and wolves. You hate them. We know. They're just plugging

That comma is figuratively killing me.

If you think this is cool, just wait until you use it for this— it'll feel like you're sitting in an actual Space-Office!

I know right? Parents need to be a little more hands on with their children and actually learn the full capabilities of the devices they buy them. I have a pass code for xbox live and a family timer on the Xbox in my family room and the kids have to come to me for the pass code before they do anything, from signing in

it actually is dayN. the n just fell over.

i remember the first time i played it going back and forth with a friend playing the demo from one of the PS underground discs for way longer than one should play a demo.

Yes, I could never understand why one hasn't been made in 3 console generations now. The game was awesome!

need more bushido blade games.

Imagine it 10x worse and you had its predecessor Demon's Souls

He is saying the AI is cheap. Not that it is too hard. If it was hard it'd be quality AI. He's saying that using a simple pattern that you learn and exploit is cheap. Not that it is too hard for him.

Finish what you start, bro. Life's to short to be a quitter.

Things can be cheap AND predictable.

Lol, you can't troll me. Witcher 2 is teh UBER, and everyone knows it.

Dark Souls sucks. There I said it. Don't you all feel better? It was only "difficult" thanks to shoddy controls and annoyingly cheap AI. (no jump plus shitty dodge plus bosses whose swings take up the entire map = shitty game) Any game where the controls fight you and that is the only reason it is difficult is a