
So... you agree with me? And by handing over the keys you’re implicitly stating “I trust your driving skills and accept the responsibility that there is a possibility you may crash my car and I will be on the hook for those damages.” If you can’t say they, then you don’t hand over your keys.

wow, a whole lotta dumb to unpack there...

No, because you bought it. It is yours and you assumed responsibility for it. Now, if they rented the car to you or simply allowed you to “borrow” the car, then yes, they would share some responsibility. Not all, but definitely partial culpability. Hence why when you rent a car you have to pay for things like

Who handed him the keys I wonder?

This part:

I am not, I am holding him to the same exact standard. You’ll notice that with increased performance comes increased safety measures to account for the vehicle being more at risk of having an accident and for the severity of the accident to also likely be worse.

Vehicle crashes like this are caused by drivers negligence.

I love all you car apologists on here. Your arguments are the same as those that gun nuts use after a mass shooting. “Cars don’t kill people, DRIVERS DO!” FML.... the guy got an old car not designed to have 700 hp and gave it 700 hp... then, like an idiot, let someone whose driving skills he has NO IDEA about drive

If we were talking about Hart crashing in a stock cuda, I’d be with you. He had major work done that made the car much more dangerous on the highway, and as a result it looks like he crashed it and the mods created a much more severe crash.

I disagree in one key element of that: It isn’t her spine that springs into action. It is her gelatinous mass being held up by special interests. It’s easy to give the appearance of confidence when you have millions of dollars of support behind the scenes. Take away that support and her spine disappears like a piece

There is literally no difference between what you wrote and what the original author wrote.

Not going to argue with someone who can’t read a whole post and who can’t understand that releasing an unfinished\defective product to market to customers who potentially can’t fix said defect to meet an arbitrary and overly aggressive release date is bad business that promotes the worst managerial practices.

So, in your mind’s eye it’s ok to release a defective product that some customers won’t have the ability to fix? Remember, not everyone has internet access, and most of the US lacks access to ISPs that have enough bandwidth to adequately download such large files without taking multiple hours. 

Ya, I am against “Weekend at Bernie’s”-ing people as an industry. It is disgusting and cruel. Not only that, but it distorts the real person’s legacy.

I feel for ya. I am of the same mind. It isn’t so much I lament online\competitive games experimenting with their formula (though IMHO some companies do go WAY overboard with this), I simply HATE that if I don’t play a game for say, 3 weeks, the next time I boot it I am guaranteed to have a 2-10 gig update waiting for

I literally discovered this 20 msec after I posted... lulz. Before, I’d just set all of the installed games to my favorites category. I am glad they  finally gave us a switch to show ONLY installed games.

Have they made the library default to showing you installed games yet? Because I’d definitely dig that quality of life update. I find it dumb that I have to click on a specific subset of the library to find my installed games, seems that should be the other way around where viewing uninstalled games requires the extra

I will take your first point one step further. I hate ANYONE that suddenly stops ANYWHERE. In the grocery market trying to get to the deli? You have to slalom around 3o million people with their carts parked perpendicular to the entire aisle just staring at the shelves, completely oblivious to the 30 person pile up

Am I the only one sick of “Impeachment Inquiries” and “Investigative coalitions” and whatever other buzzwords the DNC is throwing around to make it look like they’re serious about fighting corruption, or doing anything in general beside eventually kowtowing to the GOP through a “compromise” that is clearly and

The one and only time I’ve ever, EVER skipped on a bill was due to insanely poor service.