
I didn’t think there was a debate. Wasn’t it proven that the stat is turned off and that From Software is blatantly lying to its consumers? I mean, it is obvious and From Software is trying to somehow save face using the first play from the Trump playbook. Deny, deny, deny. I mean, when someone finds the code that

Build a wall around your heart, and make her pay for that wall.

I have a feeling this report is likely misleading. As in, it was meant to be reported that the vehicle was put into park, but began rolling. Not that the driver slammed it into Park in an attempt to stop the car instead of using the brakes. The Park Gear does work like that anyways, not unless you are traveling <2

You are the exception, not the rule.

It’s just a bad joke. I replied with some gold ones though.

Jokes require context and more than one word.

Huh? How is this whitewashing? Kratos is Greek, and is only “white” because he was cursed to have the ashes of his family, that he killed, bonded to his body. He was a darker hue before this curse, more olive skinned like the Greek people. Hence why he is known as the “Ghost of Sparta”

Is there a single link to the speech in its entirety?

Can we get a kickstarter.... started? Anyways, can we get a kickstarter going to get Harmonix to stop whipping that dead horse? All that’s left of that poor thing is a hoof and the white, desiccated remains of the turd the horse pushed out just before it died several years ago.

Fleshbot comes all over the place.

I think the answer to this is that Gawker hopes to sell the whole shebang to a single, friendly entity to continue operations, but the bankruptcy judge could dash those hopes if he\she decides that selling each piece individually is best for investors and all parties with whom Gawker has a fiduciary duty to. Look up

HOLY CRAP, $700?! That’s nuts for a faux workout bike. So it is on average almost 7x the price of other, similar workout bikes? But it doesn’t seem like you get 7x the value out of it. What a rip off. At that price it has to be made of adamantium or something. And if you want it to work correctly (not sway back and

I am 32.

There are other pluses, but you seem to value material objects over intangibles. (That is not a judgement by the way, you are a person and can like whatever you want and that does not mean you are a bad or good person)

You know what almost all parents have in common (including myself)? While there are exceptions to every rule, I have yet to actually meet parents whose kids were not pull-out errors in a moment of passion. There are very few parents who are parents by choice instead of circumstance (Actually, I know one set of parents

It is a marketing scheme to get people to jump ship, or at the very least use both. Fact is, if you start using even a couple games through GoG, you are very likely to buy more through them. Sorta like how supermarkets offer Buy One Get One free deals. They technically lose money on the BoGo purchase, but since you

On Tuesday, Trump laid out the full accounting for the money he’d raised about five months ago, in a press conference held deep within his own butthole. Via the Associated Press:

Dude, play some Black Desert. The game is awesome. And no monthly charge. Just buy the game (there are $30 and $60 versions, Other than some eye candy outfits and some leg-up xp boosters, they are the same version) and play. I am really liking it so far. Think of an MMO with a dash of Dark Souls and a pinch of Dynasty

I really hope Destiny 2 has more MMO in it. A more open world, actual avenues of communication in the game. Maybe some in game party finding features. They don’t need to go full bore MMO with crafting and all the extra crap, just add a little more. The soup needs just a pinch more salt, not heaping table spoons of it.