
They’ve always done this long drawn out dropping of hints on Twitter before the announcement. I’m just glad they’re not making us wait ages now!

IA. I think Jordan's endgame was to be The Bachelor and the final episode was an attempt at self-sabotage.... Not getting her family's blessing, the stupid hats etc I think he really thought he could put her family off enough for her not to choose him and for him to have a chance at Bachelor. Too bad he didn't realize

All the fake tears and the desperate ploy to make every guy constantly validate her, and how she forced affection after breaking up with them made me irrationally hate her to by the end. I actually loved her on Bens season but I think he dodged a bullet after seeing how shallow and insecure she is as a lead

This season has been like watching your bff whine about her shitty bf constantly but always finding a way to justify all of his actions to you.

The fact that the last two guys were the ones who made her feel most insecure throughout, just goes to show how immature she is.

If Jaces father were to do that, wouldn’t he be arrested for outstanding child support?

Jenelles behavior doesn't exist in a vacuum though. While she's an adult and should be fully accountable for her action, I'm sure living with Barabara wasn't a picnic. I'm sure there was a lot of screaming when she was growing up because it seems to be the only way either of them know how to communicate.

When Jace sang that Rainbow song in the car a few seasons ago was the first time this show made me cry. The kid was clearly disassociating himself from the trauma around him. While his mother was too concerned about her bf of the month to notice.

Oh hi Jenelle

He said he was at the gym :(

Ugh, I remember that text message he sent her but I also remember the convo he had with her where he told her that he cheated on her 5 times and she still took him back afterwards!

I honestly think after last nights episode I’m done. Jenelles scene talking to Jace telling him blatant lies regarding custody and even talking to a 6 year old about these adult issues made me so uncomfortable. It was heartbreaking watching this child having to deal with the batshit crazy adults around him.

I think he does, that's why he's always spitting.

Yeah, it’s ultimately in his best interests to be with Barbara indefinitely. I just wish she would follow through with keeping him from Jenelle, it will honestly do both of them so much good to be away from her toxicity.

Yeah there’s one episode where it’s clear that she’s shooting up and her mom finds a needle in her apartment.

I think MTV set up a trust for all the kids but I have read somewhere in the past that children in reality tv and YouTube kids aren’t protected financially the same way child actors are. I may be wrong but I wouldn’t be surprised if these kids were being exploited purely for their parents financial gain.

Everything you said, and I would add that he’s clearly isolating her by controlling how/when/where she speaks to her mother and her baby’s father even going so far as not allowing her to personally talk to either of them. He repeatedly tells her that she’s ‘his now’ and takes ownership of her kids in a possessive