
I wasn’t exhibited for clicks and “likes” - sorry if I’m not up on the current social media lingo.

“and that “there is no way they would lock people out of the church and not let people in for shelter” (even though that’s apparently what they did).”

Apparently, but not actually. The Facebook message the church posted on August 27 read:

“Dear Houstonians! Lakewood Church is inaccessible due to severe flooding! We

No, I’m sorry. If this was “3 year old fetches stray noogie for infant brother” - would anybody look? Would anybody click through? Would anybody be so moved to gush the way so many of you are?

These days, those lines are a lot more common anyway. The good IAA teams (Howard isn’t, or at least wasn’t thought to be one) don’t get a ridiculous number of points from decent 1A programs. I think North Dakota State was favored at least once or twice in their string of wins over 1A teams.

I imagine the Michigan-App State non-line was more likely a “mismatch, so no interest” decision at the time, rather than the idea that the line would have been SO huge. App State was a two-time defending FCS champion, so they would have been treated like a mediocre FBS team - still a huge dog to Michigan, of course,

In addition to the sliding that was mentioned, players need to be able to make a turn. Baserunning injuries caused by slips/falls would skyrocket with a flat or significantly lower base.

I take it you’ve never played 1st base before. On ground balls, the 1B has to run to the bag, his back to the infield, and turn to receive a bullet that sometimes leaves the infielder’s hand when his back is still turned. He needs that raised bag to plant against when he turns to receive the throw.

Good evening, all.

Your take is bullshit. Hindsight 20/20 bullshit. Oh, jeez couldn’t the base be flat?  FUCK YOU!

“Valeri Polyakov, who spent just short of 438 days aloft from 1994-1995.”

There is no way this is true.

It wasn’t 40 minutes it was almost 12 hours from his first fall and he clearly suffered and struggled for hours to get help.

I’m it suprised the manslaughter chargers were dismissed.

Or a d-bag mansplaining reproductive ability to a woman?

Best blog on the Giz network, right here. Quality writing, and a sufficiently impersonal tone.

Man. Turns out I have grown to loathe seeing XKCD comics in comments. Odd ... because I really love XKCD.

Hey look. A proper leftist response.