
This is very sad. Both of them did a lot more than these things.

I lived in a twilight free bubble. It was glorious.

Nobody’s dumping on Taylor. Commenters overwhelmingly seem inclined to like him, in fact.

A. Not a rant. Don’t take my word for it, look it up.

Ugh good point. Though now that I think of it have they had any women who isn’t them in their crowd, ever?

You’re right. That’s an odd dichotomy. Maybe they don’t like being around what they aspire to be physically?

If you are a Black male either dating or married to one of Karjenner sisters, you are more than welcome to join their crowd. A Black female, not so much.

THIS!!!!!!!!! resistanceis feutaile.

The Kardashian is like the Borg. One mind, many bodies, and ruled over by an evil queen.

She created that whole cluterfuck . So , yes you can call her the creator.

Hah! “Krist” is a good one.

If you don’t blend in , into Kardashian you are not welcome. I mean not kiss ass of Church of Kris. Krist.

Oh, yeah, Cheney definitely did.

To note just how much worse Trump is than Bush....

She’s running for her 4th term. The election will be sometime in August-October 2017.

Thank you for the primer.

Has anyone checked on Angela Merkel? She must be having a really really bad day.

“Sorry you’re old and crabby.”