We don’t really know yet what the premiums would be under Trumpcare, but we know they will be much higher than ACA. Under the legislation, insurers have to say by June 21st whether they will participate, but the penalty for a lapse of coverage doesn’t start until 2018. That means that there will be no effective…
How on earth does the paragraph you quoted have anything to do with the screed you wrote under it?? The author is literally saying that the party should be more populist and reach out to the common people, not rely on flashy celebrities. You seem to have completely misread it or have some weird ax to grind. You can…
Do you genuinely think there was no stated source for the money for free college?
What you really mean is, let New York and California have all the say and everyone else may as well fuck off, because the coastal elites clearly know what is best for everyone
It takes a pretty myopic person to think that any of these:
The argument is that the New Democrats of Bill Clinton’s triangulation shifted the Democratic Party from being the party of the New Deal into being the party of finance. Everything about these critiques of the Democrats and DNC come from the impossible position the DNC has placed itself in by positioning themselves as…
I think the difference there is that Bernie was a serious lawmaker before he became a popular celebrity, rather than the other way around.
Stewart Lee has a great bit about this. It’s about the Conservatives and Labour in the UK but I think it applies equally well here:
At face value, they were both great candidates and I didn’t see why it was so bad to be spoiled for choice.
After the crap the last head of the DNC pulled, yes.
Wow. That’s so cute. A woman who said young women who support Bernie were just following the boys thinks her endorsement should count for something. Obviously she doesn’t have her finger on the pulse on the future of the democratic party. I’m not someone who thinks Bernie would have won, but I do think that she…
In the ranking of who to blame for a Trump presidency, Susan Sarandon is pretty fucking far down the list.
Veeeeeeeeeery true. Our biggest problem as a party is we can’t turn out the vote without the exposure and high stakes of a presidential election. But governors and the Congress are arguably more important than the presidency. (though there’s the argument that the President nominates Supreme Court Justice which is…
Yep, this is my point. :) Republicans claim financial conservativism as one of their cornerstones. They had a chance to try to get that back. Instead they grabbed at the White House and embraced the worst of their base instead of abandoning Donald at the convention. If they’d have even done that they’d have a leg to…
I don’t understand the attachment people have to political parties. Parties change. Platforms change. People change. There’s no reason you have to be unconditionally loyal to it if it sucks. It’s not a sports team. It’s just a fucking label.
Have you BEEN to Portland? I lived there for 10 years. I saw 5 black people. Asian people aren’t as scarce. But it is mostly white.
All fun aside, no person should be worth 18 BILLION dollars. That’s obscene.