There is the possibility of a premature birth. That’s as good a reason as any other to not talk about it.
There is the possibility of a premature birth. That’s as good a reason as any other to not talk about it.
It’s in bold and everything!
They have the most uncomfortable chairs in the world, I can’t imagine their beds would be any different, probably hard as a board.
A) I think Nicole Kidman is a weird choice for Lucy, but knowing how much it pissed off Debra Messing kind of gets me on board.
The Ikeas in China serve beer... I always thought of making the Beijing Ikea my local pub because I could take a nap between my rounds of beer and veggie meatballs.
Update: the designer says “gay superhero”
Dan Levy’s look is a tribute to American artist (and AIDS activist) David Wojnarowicz. It is inspired by his piece “F**k You F**got F**ker”. His purse is printed with the piece “Untitled (One Day This Kid...)“, which makes me cry and I can’t imagine carrying it around all night without bursting into tears but I think…
When I worked for an international charity, I spent some time in developing countries. Many times, I met unvaccinated kids with no shoes who had to bathe in the same river that the village used as a bathroom and trash disposal. Their parents were asking my employer to help get their kids vaccinated and help build a…
Her kids from the guy she immediately rebounded with after Ben are now meeting Ben, her immediate rebound after breaking up with A-Rod. A cycle!
The timeline of Osaka’s refusal/fine/withdrawal seems to be almost deliberately confused in this article to make it seem like they fined her for withdrawing.
When we decided to replace our couch we stopped in at the local uber trendy modern store. I knew most things there would be way out of reach, but it turned out that they’d recently messed up a commercial client’s order. They had my dream sofa in their warehouse, for 50% off. It was still a stretch, but we have never…
Lopez does one of my all-time favorite pieces of physical acting in that movie, when after she grabs the shotgun from the trunk, she walks along the side of her car and without breaking stride just slams one of the doors closed with her hip.
supposedly an attorney for the fake law firm Pope & Dunn
Reheating anything fried is best done in an air fryer. I think for something like fried chicken, a lower temp for longer time would work better than higher temp for a shorter time. Don’t want to burn the outside before the inside comes to temp.
I read this elsewhere:
Hey! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was the best comedy of the past decade. That’s an objective fact.
I’m not on Twitter. So I don’t know what negativity she personally experienced that led her to this. But just from having read through the first 12 Replies to this very article...on a progressive website to must have been beyond fucking horrible. Because even here people are choosing this moment to call her…
Maybe over in the States (where, let’s face it, you’ve got a history of seriously shit Scottish accents) but it’s quite common here in the UK. Oh, and by the way, that’s not exactly a Scots accent. That’s a variation on the Glaswegian accent. And, ahem, he’s being polite and telly-friendly with his accent.
I am not here to make talent comparisons or judgements (you may have the chops/experience to do so, but I make no assumptions that I do).